Becoming Part of the Ted Talk Alum

Becoming Part of the Ted Talk Alum

It was so exciting, stressful and challenging once I was selected to give a Ted Talk for TedX Women’s Conference. Taking many painstaking hours to become prepared for this remarkable event, I’ll admit it was hard, scary and absolutely wonderful, to say the least. There were times I would think that I had nailed it. Then, I would get into my own head about every little detail I was presenting. I even repeatedly questioned the right thing to wear. But how could I promote stress relief if I was totally stressed out? I put my own advice to work, hard. And now, as I look at the video on YouTube, it was all SO worth every moment.

Coming up with a topic WORTHY

The Ted conglomerate has a ton of lectures out there given by really smart people. It can be intimidating just putting yourself out there, let alone, trying to pick something worthy enough to end up with the Ted logo attached to it. The committee is very selective in choosing someone, and their topic, for the honor to be spotlighted on the red circle. So, when I was asked what I thought I could possibly talk about, I had five topics ready to go. I pitched each topic with precision as if I could have done a full talk on each of those topics at that very moment.

STRESS won, this time

The topic of stress is so prevalent at this time with a pandemic still raging on and off. When the topic of stress was chosen as the topic that I should give my talk on, I did some new research. This time on previous Ted Talks that are already out there. I didn’t want mine to compare to anyone else’s. This is how I can up with a new route on an age-old topic.

The Frazzler vs. The Silent Stressor

My talk begins with stress and how it is bad for everyone, but I then focus on what kind of stressor you are, personally. People tend to favor one style over the other. That being said, there are ways to downgrade or prevent stress. Depending on what type of stressor you are, there are more favorable ways to manage it.

Stress is bad; My Ted Talk is Good

By the end of my talk, I was thrilled to have the audience with me, laughing and relating to what I was offering. At the end of the night, I had just about everyone in that theater stop me to tell me what kind of a stressor they are. Afterwards, I went out for a nice celebratory meal. As I was entering the restaurant, I heard yelling down the street, “Tia, I’m a Frazzler!â€. I couldn’t see them, exactly, but I yelled back, ‘Okay!â€. Next, I heard a blare of over lapping ‘Thank you’s’ ring into the cool night air.

It was awesome, I must say.

As we enter in a new year, it is time to reduce the addiction to stress. Find out what kind of stressor you are. Make changes. Practice self-care. The truth is, your body, heart and mind will thank you for it!

Tia, and is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.