6 Ways to Get More (and Better) Sleep

6 Ways to Get More (and Better) Sleep

By Guest Blogger, Elise Morgan

Image by pexels

  • Exercise Daily

Exercising regularly is one of the best ways to improve your sleep and is even backed by science – adults that exercised took half the time to fall asleep and slept 41 more minutes per night than those that did not exercise.

Physical activity not only contributes to more restful sleep, but also increases time spent in deep sleep. This helps to boost your immune system, while also supporting cardiac health, controlling stress, and minimizing your anxiety.

  • Stick to a sleep schedule

Do your best to follow a nightly plan where you will be in bed for 7-9 hours every night, and if possible, go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day. By limiting the differences in your sleep schedule, your body’s sleep-wake cycle will be reinforced, letting your body know more effectively when to wake up in the morning and when to start winding down at the end of the day.

  • Optimize your room for comfortability 

Your sleep environment is key to getting more rest and is crucial in how you feel when you wake up. If you’ve been getting up in the morning with an achy body and a groggy mind, be sure you are sleeping on comfortable mattresses and pillows that are right for your body and sleep preferences. If your mattress is no longer feeling supportive and comfortable, it may be because it has exceeded its life expectancy – about 7-10 years depending on the quality.

  • Find your wind down routine

Another great way to get more sleep is to create a pre-bedtime routine that helps you wind-down. Relaxation techniques before hopping into bed have been proven to improve the quality of your sleep and is even oftentimes used to treat insomnia.

Consider listening to relaxing music (think: ocean sounds, rain noises, light classical music, etc.), reading a book, meditating, and even deep breathing techniques to find the best method to help put you to sleep.

.     Make Sleep a Priority 

It’s important to understand that your body needs sleep, and that you should not be prioritizing your daytime activities when it’s time for bed. We have all been guilty of letting television, the internet, our phones, and even our relationships infringe upon our sleep, but we need to respect the amount of rest that our bodies demands and adhere to these requirements.

  • Paint your room a “cool†color for tranquility

When all else fails, consider some redesigning to optimize your sleep. To make your room more serene and calming, consider painting the walls blue – studies show that those who slept in a blue room got a better night’s sleep, and slept more on average.

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