Seven Ways to Enjoy Better Sex

Seven Ways to Enjoy Better Sex

It doesn’t matter how satisfied you are with your sex life right now, there is going to be a point in life that you’ll need some guidance to help you to continue to enjoy it. People want to enjoy sex as much as possible and as we get older and our confidence builds, we want to continue to enjoy it. In fact, we want to love sex long into our old age but that takes some physical and mental work to get there. 

Did you know that most people think that something is wrong with them if they don’t long for sex all the time? The trouble is that we’re living in a world where things are more stressful than they ever have been. We are relying more on SSRIs to get through the day and we are trying to combat the cost of living. Sex and the desire to have sex often come to the bottom of the list. You can try supplements and enhancers from websites such as, But you should never take anything without the explicit guidance of your doctor. If you want to enjoy better sex, we’ve got some tips for you below. 

Image source: Pexels

  • Learn to relax. It’s a super challenging thing to do, but it’s one of the first things that you can do if you want to enjoy better sex in a fast-paced and overstimulated lifestyle. Relaxation doesn’t really factor as much as it should. We’re so used to living with that level of tension that we don’t realize how much stress is affecting our desire in the bedroom. This is attention that diminishes your sexual enjoyment and your ability to even get ready physically for sex in the first place. Making a lifestyle shift that encourages relaxation and allows you to regularly practice techniques to relax will help.
  • Start connecting to your body. You have to do more than just think about what your body is going to do, but start feeling it. As time passes and lust naturally diminishes, it can become a big challenge to feel pleasure during sex. The only way that you can make sure that you continue to do that is make sure that you get into your body and out of your brain. With massage, yoga, dancing, and masturbation you can make sure that you are connected to your body no matter what age you are. You have to practice anything that allows you to let go and feel rather than makes you think or overthink. 
  • Start talking about your body positively. If you are overly critical of your body, especially as you get older, you’re going to find it more difficult to find a home there. You need to be open to physical pleasure, and it’s a mistake to associate feeling positive about your body with feeling good about your appearance.Great sex isn’t about looking fantastic. It’s about feeling good while you do it. It starts with good self-care so that you know that you are looking after your body and having regular exercise and eating well can help you to make a good start.
  • Start communicating. It requires A conscious effort to communicate better and feel emotionally and physically more open with somebody else’s life. Stresses cause our bodies to tighten and our libido to diminish. No good sex happens for a place of closure. It’s something that you Are more vulnerable doing and if you cannot communicate with the person you hope to have sex with, then you shouldn’t be having sex with them in the first place.
  • Be responsible for your own satisfaction. You cannot rely on a partner or anybody else to make you feel sexually satisfied. If you haven’t explored your own body to know what you enjoy, and you haven’t discussed what you enjoy, then how can you expect somebody else to be a mind reader? You need to take responsibility for your own satisfaction here, and you need to learn your body, which will continually change as you get older. With hormone changes come physical changes and emotional changes, and that means your sexual desire levels will change too.
  • Never stop talking. What you enjoy in the bedroom is going to change compared to when you were a teenager. You need to be able to tell your partner about those things so that you can enjoy sex together. You shouldn’t have to put your desires on the back burner in favor of somebody else. So when you are having sex, make sure you’re having sex for yourself and not the other person.
  • It takes some time to recognise what good sex is, and you have to be realistic about your expectations. However, if you’ve been communicating your desires for months at a time and you still don’t feel satisfied in the bedroom, it may be time to let go.

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