3 Things That Gradually Damage Your Quality Of Life

3 Things That Gradually Damage Your Quality Of Life

Everything that promotes healthy living, satisfaction, and contentment is described as the quality of life. It often comes up in discussions focused on physical health, finances, safety, and mental well-being. People often have a fair idea of what quality of life means. However, few realize that some things they do negatively impact it. Global quality of life ratings place the United States at the 68th percentile and 22nd out of 137 countries. While this is not a bad rating, there is more room for improvement. Here are some things harming your quality of life.

  1. Uncontrolled stress

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Statistics show that 8 out of 10 adults are stressed out. Some are even at the stage of burnout. Stress is a physical, mental, and emotional strain that can severely affect the body. When you find yourself in a constant state of stress, the body produces excess cortisol. This stress hormone places your body in a fight-or-flight state. And according to physicians, this state is the body’s physiological response to a perceived threat or a stressful event.

Ideally, this state should last for no longer than 24 hours. Going beyond that overburdens your mental, physical and emotional state. Unfortunately, this is what people face. Uncontrolled stress takes a person through three stages. These are the alarm, resistance, and exhaustion phases. Without healthy coping mechanisms, the body stays longer at the exhaustion phase. This is why overly-stressed people feel extreme fatigue and are unable to sleep. Indeed, the ripple effects are many, resulting in a negatively impacted quality of life.

  1. Skipping medical and dental appointments

Preventive care is the reason many people book appointments with the family physician. A report on the norc.org website indicates that 40% of people skip a booked medical appointment because they changed their minds. Since the pandemic hit early in 2020, more than 50% of the population has canceled dental appointments. As of August 2022, the report stated that 48% of insured people had extended dental appointments by another year.

While the reason is understandable, the concern is that you might miss out on crucial dental checks. An undetected cavity problem left to linger can go deeper into the roots. If that happens, you may face a lot of discomforts. Therefore, you will have a better chance at effective treatment when the specialist notices it early. If it helps, you may want to stick with known specialists like Robert L. Rodriguez DDS for dental appointments. The local hospital will be your best bet if it’s general healthcare. Indeed, there is more than enough reason to honor your medical and dental appointments. 

  1. Poor diet

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Considering that the country is reeling under the pressure of junk food and the increased preference for it, there is cause for concern. A poor diet means your body is denied access to vital nutrients to function optimally. Apart from the main nutrients you know about, there is growing concern that many people lack vital trace minerals. For instance, iodine, selenium, zinc, and manganese are largely absent or at alarmingly low levels among people.

Throw in an unbalanced diet, and you have a population with impacted well-being. Trace mineral deficiency can affect enzyme function and stifle healthy biochemical reactions in the brain. At some point, you might deal with health conditions that could have been avoided if your trace minerals were at normal levels. A typical example is Anemia, brought about by iron deficiency.

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