How To Take Yourself Sincerely, Not Seriously

How To Take Yourself Sincerely, Not Seriously

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In life, it is incredibly easy to take yourself too seriously. You may not think that you do, but the next time someone insults you, see how you react. Even if the insult is obviously silly or exaggerated, or coming from someone whose opinion you likely care little about, you will often take the insult and think about it. Is it correct? What if they are right? Why do they think like this? All of this can run through your mind, when in reality, that person may just wish to cause the most harm possible.

Of course, many of us learn how to deal with scenarios like that in our youth. However, that doesn’t mean we take ourselves any less seriously as time progresses. In fact, certain life scenarios, such as getting promoted at work, being complimented, or perhaps having faith in our self-confidence can lead us to take ourselves and our egos completely seriously. 

So in either direction then, positive or negative, it’s common to see just how taking yourself seriously can be a bad idea. We would like to volunteer the following advice to suggest why taking yourself sincerely, not seriously, could be your best option:

You Understand Your Development

Seriousness and sincerity are completely different things, although they are parallel to one another. When you are serious about yourself, for example, you are much more likely to be critical of yourself. Make a mistake, such as telling a joke that lands poorly at a party, and you’ll likely start identifying just if you had a sense of humor in the first place, or why you are such a social failure. Sincerity shows that you had good intentions when you made the joke, and it’s not your fault if others didn’t respond to it. 

It’s hardly something anyone will remember one hour from then. In other words, sincerity allows you to understand that you are a fallible being and can make mistakes, but that if your intentions are good, you are always learning and developing. In seriousness, there is no wriggle room. In sincerity, wiggle room is celebrated. It can help you stop pathologizing your progression through life, and instead lets you consider it as you move forward and try to better your approach.

Sincerity Has Room For Fun

Being serious is always trying to adapt yourself to the latest fashion trends, trying to fit in and understanding that your niche will never amount to anything without the latest fashion wisdom as part of its understanding. However, sincerity opens up room for fun with fashion, pure creativity, and also lets you make a fool of yourself. It allows you to purchase trendy leggings as part of a creative outfit idea, with no real event or extra plan to wear them by a specific date. In other words, it allows you to enjoy yourself. Additionally, it can help you make the most of a situation you were not expecting. 

For example, in the serious mindset, purchasing a formal shirt too big for your body might be a mistake that should have been prepared for or considered when opting for a new retailer. With sincerity, you might use that oversized shirt as part of another outfit, or return it without anything to worry about. If you have humor and fun as part of your life, sincerity will help you open up to yourself in the best possible means.

Sincerity Is More Authentic

Let us say that we are trying to comfort someone who is experiencing the loss of a relative. Being serious about this matter must make you think that you need to comfort them in exactly the same manner prescribed by that advice column you read that morning. That you must never smile, must never say anything out of turn, or outstay your welcome even for a second. It’s so filled with personal rules and regulations that you’re not actually focusing on the person, you’re just focusing on how best to move though the situation despite your good intentions.

However, sincerity is there. It listens. It lets you crack an off-timed joke that is received with a small smile from the person you are comforting, or it allows you to talk about the subject without fear of being insensitive to an overdramatic degree. In other words, it is more authentic, and it allows you to connect with the person more thoroughly.

With this advice, you are certain to take yourself sincerely and not seriously. Watch yourself as you embody either one of these. If you pay attention, you will learn just how much of your life is dictated by one of these two approaches. We’d recommend you choose the healthiest options to the extent that you can.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
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