Forget Meds, Discover The Best Ways To Deal With Pain

Forget Meds, Discover The Best Ways To Deal With Pain

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According to the latest reports, over ten percent of people in America suffer from chronic pain. Chronic pain can occur in various areas of the body from the head to the arms. It also has a range of different causes. You might have hurt yourself through a repetitive strain. Or, you could have developed it due to a preexisting condition. For instance, people who suffer from arthritis typically have pain in various limbs and even their lower back.

You might think that there’s only one solution to dealing with serious levels of pain. Most people do immediately head to the doctors in the hope of gaining meds to provide relief. Unfortunately, this can lead to complications including addiction. For serious levels of pain, heavy medication is needed which makes it more addictive. The good news is that there are a range of alternative treatments that can provide pain relief.

Electric Therapy

Science and technology have lead to great advances in pain relief including electric therapy. With electric therapy, you can purchase products that stimulate the nerves in the muscles. Over time, studies show that this does provide a high level of pain relief although it can take some getting used to. Indeed, some people find the experience uncomfortable and awkward, at least at first. That said, others have seen fantastic results, and it can be particularly effective for those suffering from RSI.

If you are dealing with chronic pain, you can consider purchasing a piece of equipment like this online. Despite the advanced tech, it is totally affordable and would easily fit into a weekly shopping budget. Devices vary as well, and you can pick one based on where the main source of your pain is. For instance, if you regularly feel pain in your feet, you can get a device that sends an electric shock through the bottom of your toes,

Massage Treatments

Massage treatments are also a fantastic way to relieve pain in the body. If you do have severe pain, it’s possible that it’s due to your muscles being tense and your body becoming stiff. If that’s the case, then a massage could do you a lot of good. You might think that massages are expensive and if you’re looking for the skills of a trained professional they can be. However, you can also think about purchasing the best personal massager that you will be able to use yourself at home. By doing this, you will be able to massage painful areas whenever you need to without booking an expensive massage.


You can also look into using CBD. CBD is a legal part of the cannabis plant or cannabis hybrid strain. Various studies have shown that the product can be used to treat chronic pain. Results can vary, but typically if you suffer from chronic pain, you can experience a level of relief three times that of what typical medicine can provide. Working as a biological, natural drug, CBD impacts receptors in your brain and reduces the impact of the pain you feel without addressing the main cause.

We hope you find some of these unique, alternate treatment options helpful with your own chronic pain.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Are E-Cigarettes Unsafe?

Are E-Cigarettes Unsafe?

The health risks of smoking cigarettes are now widely known and the ever-increasing prices of cigarettes are intended to discourage people from smoking. Also, in many countries, it is now illegal to smoke in a public place. Many smokers use e-cigarettes as an alternative, with vaping largely free of the negative connotations associated with smoking. However, research has shown that e-cigarettes are not a whole lot healthier than the time-honored tobacco equivalents.

Most e-cigarettes contain nicotine, which is known to have addictive properties and to make users more susceptible to other addictive substances. Researchers from the New York School of Medicine found that nicotine from e-cigarettes could lead to cancer due to damaging string DNA. Also, Swedish researchers discovered that the use of e-cigarettes containing nicotine results in increased heart rate and blood pressure within 30 minutes.

This infographic from Union Quay Medical Centre  in Ireland, educating children from a young age about its dangers and implementing stricter regulations about the sale and advertising of e-cigarettes.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Essential Advice For Life After Divorce

Essential Advice For Life After Divorce

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When you are going through a divorce, it can be hard to imagine what life will be like afterward. And while everyone knows that time is the greatest healer, the reality is that it can often seem like things will never get better. However, by following a few simple guidelines, it’s possible to cope with the stresses, pressures, and emotional turmoil’s that come with separation. Here is some essential advice on how to keep your head up and make it through the post-divorce landscape in the best possible way.


Accept the divorce


First of all, make sure you do all you can to terminate the marriage the right way. As discussed over at, you need the best solutions to this incredibly hard problem, and although it can be tough, try and see your divorce as a watershed moment. If you want to alleviate the pain and frustration of separating from a former loved one, you need to work hard, be honest, and accept the legal outcomes.


Keep a journal


Emotions are difficult to manage, and keeping things bottled up inside can lead to incredible psychological damage. And the reality of divorce is that you may not want to discuss particular issues with anyone else, even though they are eating you up from the inside. As points out, one of the best ways of dealing with this is to keep a journal. Write down your emotional worries, and let those feelings out. Not only will it give you a release, it will also help you stop becoming dependent on others.


Get a shoulder to lean on


However, journaling your divorce experience will only go so far. The truth is that you need someone who can listen to you, share your feelings, and understand how your life is being affected. Find a friend that can listen and give you good advice. It should be someone you trust implicitly, and know that has your best interests at heart. It should also be someone who you know is unafraid to tell you how things really are and won’t shy away from letting you know if your actions are doing you harm.


Get busy


As your old life ends, it’s time to embrace a new one. And given that your marriage is likely to have been problematic for some time, it’s the perfect opportunity to focus on yourself. It could be through investing more of your time into your professional life. Maybe you want to start that hobby you always wanted to try. Or perhaps you just want to broaden your horizons, and take advantage of being single and free.


Be sociable


One of the big problems with divorce and relationship failures is that you will often find yourself avoiding social situations. While this is an understandable reaction, it’s important to fight these feelings and get up and get yourself out there. You could join a divorce support group if you are struggling, or hook up with old friends you haven’t seen for years. Ultimately, the sooner you start being sociable, the faster you will be able to get over the divorce. Good luck!


Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Step into The Spirit of Spring

Step into The Spirit of Spring

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Now that Spring is firmly in the air you’ll notice people walking around with a little more spring in their step and a smile on their face.  Spring is a sensational season full of optimism and energy.  For this reason, many people use this as an opportunity to get their homes and gardens in order for the sociable summer season ahead of us.


Yet, having a Spring Clean isn’t limited to cleaning and decluttering; there are certain outdoor jobs that have been put off such as repairing the backyard fence panels that need to be tended to now we’re having warmer weather.


Indeed, in addition to sorting your house out for summer it’s equally important to take care of the garden.  In this post, we’re going to look at a number of ways to prepare your house for the sociable summer season.


Spring wouldn’t be Spring without the traditional Spring Clean where we give the house and garden a good going over.  In many ways, there is a science to this process that helps us manage the feeling of overwhelm that comes with having to tackle a whole house (particularly if you have a large family).


The first step is to declutter your home; meaning sorting through your items and working out what you no longer need.  What are you holding onto that no longer serves you?  Go through your wardrobe and determine what clothes can be given away to charity, passed on, or are so well worn they are no longer a feasible option.


If, like most people, you struggle with getting rid of items that hold a particular sentimental value, accept this, and understand that you don’t need to get rid of these items – you just need to declutter your home.  There’s nothing stopping you putting them in an airtight bag and storing them in the loft.  The point is to declutter your home so that you can get



The second step, is all about getting organised and this isn’t restricted to material items, as this is a great time to go through paperwork and take care of things you’ve been putting off.


The third step, is to thoroughly clean your home.  You might want to consider getting in a professional company to undertake a deep clean (e.g. steam the carpets) or you might prefer to do it yourself and bask in the cathartic emotional release that comes with decluttering, organising, and cleaning your home.


The final thing to consider in terms of sorting your house out for summer is the all important garden.  Winter is a time that pretty much necessitates horticultural neglect whereas now we are coming to Spring, it’s as if the natural world is awakening and coming to life, which has a similar effect on our psyche.


Now, as the days get longer, warmer and brighter, is the time for us to come out of hibernation and start preparing for those all important garden parties, barbecues and picnics on the lawn.


Spring is here and it’s time to get cracking!

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

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