The Importance Of Finding Chill Time In Your Relationship

The Importance Of Finding Chill Time In Your Relationship

The longer a relationship goes on, the more you learn about what it’s like to be part of your partner’s daily life and to have them be part of yours. They are no longer separate from the joy, sadness, and hustle you deal with from day-to-day, they are incorporated in all of it. Not only do you feel the burden of the obstacles ahead of you and your everyday stresses, but your relationship does, too.

That’s why it’s important to not only be able to recognize stress in both yourself and your relationship, but to learn how to take a step back from it all together, instead of taking a step back from it all alone. Here are a few tips on how to do that.


Recognize the stress symptoms

If you’re both people of a similar level of motivation, you both have careers, school, or other responsibilities to take care of, it can be hard to recognize when your average, everyday stress becomes something negative with the potential to take its toll on your relationship. You have to grow aware of the symptoms of stress in your partner and your relationship. Are they irritable, less inclined to communicate with you, sullen, or otherwise off? There are some differences in how men and women handle stress as well. Though this won’t apply to 100% of cases, men tend to be more prone to trying to find solutions and doing more stuff when they’re stressed, while women tend to grow more inward facing and seek peace and comfort when stressed instead.

Stop your stress before it affects the relationship

It can be just as hard to recognize when your own stress is going to manifest in all the ugly ways that it can. You might be more prone to nitpicking your partner, starting fights over nothing, overreactions, or simply becoming withdrawn and cold. It can take a while before you realize that this behavior isn’t what you want, it’s the product of stress. Learning mindfulness techniques can help you start to recognize the warning signs of your own stress and help you also recognize how you react to it. When you’re more aware of it, it’s easier to recognize that it’s happening and stop it in progress.

How do you stop stress from taking hold when you recognize it in yourself, your partner, or your relationship? By finding ways to relax together, of course.

See how you spend your time

First of all, it’s important to find the time to chill out as a couple. When you integrate your partner into your daily life more and more, you can slip into a schedule that lets you both handle the business you need to handle without having to spend quite as much time together. But if you’re feeling stressed, there’s nothing better than scaling back your responsibilities to ensure that you have time to spend with them, so find ways to free time for the both of you.


Get sweaty

Syncing your schedule with your partner is important if you both want to be able to give yourself over to that chill time completely. If you’re having trouble finding that synchronization, then look for chill time activities that make practical use of your time without having to take too much of it. Exercising together is a perfect example of that. Exercise naturally helps destress the body, helping you maintain motivation, a positive mood, and progress towards long-term health goals, which is great for feelings of achievement. When you’re doing it together, you don’t necessarily have to do the exact same exercises, but you feel the motivation of being part of a team and keep one another accountable. Plus, the post-exercise smoothie makes for a cute little mini-date.

Get away from it all

When you do find time to sync up and enjoy your time together, then there are few better ways to get away from the stress of daily life than to literally get away from them. You don’t need a lot of time and money to plan a romantic getaway with your partner. Don’t stress over finding the perfect far-flung destination and be more flexible. See what flights, trains, and hotels are cheapest or easiest to book at the time and simply get out of there. A break from familiar surroundings with nothing to worry about but the pleasure of you and your partner can be extremely refreshing.

Or just stay in

Don’t make the mistake of putting too much pressure on your getaway, either. It doesn’t need to be perfect or full of romantic gestures. You don’t even have to go anywhere. It’s the fact that you’re getting a break from your daily stresses that is most important. For that reason, a good staycation can work just as well as a getaway. In fact, if you haven’t been able to spend a lot of time together at home, lately, then a staycation might be even better than traveling somewhere else. Take a long weekend to free yourselves up entirely, no family plans, no social dates, no work emails. Just a blanket on a couch with takeout coming and plenty of movies to watch together.


Physically force yourself to relax

Stress isn’t just a state of mind, it is very much a physical force that acts on the body to some unpleasant effects. Tender shoulders, sore backs, and aching joints can be caused by the tension that builds up in the muscles as a result of stress. A good massage not only helps the mind but forces the body to relax as well, helping you feel all kinds of refreshed and alleviated. A couples massage can work even better. Not only are you both taking the time to relax under the careful touch of a professional, but it’s a luxuriant, sensory experience that can both get you in the mood for romance without the need for a fancy candlelit dinner.

Zen out

Another relaxation technique that’s often treated as a more solitary experience is meditation. To some degree, meditation is very much about how you experience yourself, building the habit of getting away from your daily distractions. However, couples meditation isn’t as distracting as it might seem. It builds your ability to well and truly relax around one another without being constantly concerned about what they are thinking or how they’re reacting to your presence and actions. What’s more, some find that a meditation partner makes it easier to escape from the distractions within their own thoughts, whether it’s thinking about what you’re going to make for dinner, how you’re going to handle work priorities, or other concerns.

Put the phone away

Whatever you’re doing, whether it’s having a staycation, working out, or simply chilling out in the home, it’s important to not have your phone constantly in front of your face when you’re relaxing with your partner. First of all, it’s a little disrespectful that you’re actively paying attention to anything other than yourself and your partner. What’s more, too much smartphone activity has been proven to be bad for a relationship. Not only does it diminish your ability to maintain concentration and to clear your mind of distractions, but the constant access to stimuli, positive and negative, can keep your mind in a more active, irritable state. Anyone who has gotten into a fight or overreacted to their partner after seeing a fight on social media knows how that is.


Chore together

Doing chores to relax? It’s not as bizarre as it seems. Chores are a responsibility, but they’re also one that has an immediate pay-off, like exercise. When you finish cleaning your home, you have a nice, pleasant home to relax in. When you’re sharing it with a partner, it can be even more relaxing. That feeling of teamwork towards a common goal is an all-around pleasant sensation and you don’t feel the residual resentment of doing household chores when your partner is doing nothing and gaining all the benefit. It also gives you an opportunity to chat while you work, in case you haven’t had the chance to catch up with them today.

Vent and be vented upon

Lastly, we can’t forget about the importance of communication. It is the bedrock of any relationship that’s going to be about more about dating and sex. You have to be willing to both let your own vulnerable side be seen and to see the vulnerable side of your partner. When you have a problem, venting to others instead of your partner can lead to feelings of alienation or mistrust within the relationship. Similarly, if you’re not prepared to listen to them without judgement and let them get their stresses off their mind, they can never be comfortable being their true self around you.

Since relationships can feel the stress that either partner brings into them, it’s important to let them feel the alleviation of the stress as well. Relax together, so that your relationship is soothed, instead of keeping your relaxation to yourself.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

How To Take Care Of Yourself While Travelling

How To Take Care Of Yourself While Travelling

When heading off abroad on the trip of a life time, you rarely stop to think about factors such as self-care, do you? You most probably have health insurance in place, but as far as your health goes, that’s most probably it. Instead, you are probably focused on how incredible your trip will be and how amazing it’s going to be to get away and have the most amazing time.

However, what it’s important to remember is that taking care of your health is just as important as having an amazing time away. Because the fact is, that if you don’t take self-care seriously while traveling, you could end up not being able to make the most of, or enjoy your trip properly, as a result. So it’s essential that you take the time to think carefully about your self-care while you travel.

Wondering what aspects of your health you should be thinking about? Have a read of the tips and advice below!

Photo source: Pixabay

Eat well

While you’re traveling, it’s far too easy to forget to eat healthily. The fact is that when it comes to what you’re eating, you will most probably want to try every new cusine that you come across, and while that’s all well and good, it’s also important to think about your health. Don’t fail to keep plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet, as otherwise your health – particuarly your immune system – will plummet as a result.

When ordering food, make sure to pick food that has a health factor to it, such as meals that contain vegetables or salad, so that you are continuing to get your five-a-day even while you’re traveling. After all, you don’t want to put your health at risk, do you?

Take healthcare seriously

Make sure that wherever you visit, you know where there is a primary care doctor available, so that should your health take a serious turn, you know where you can get help. The fact is that you never know when you’re going to get sick, so making sure that you know where there is medical help available is just good common sense.

Travel is all about freedom and not caring about all those ties we have at home, such as work and social status, but that doesn’t mean not taking any aspects of your life seriously. Your health should never take a back seat, it should always be taken seriously.

Exercise reguarly

The chances are that your appetitie for adventure and exploring will mean that you are getting plenty of exercise anyway. However, what it’s important to realise is that if you’re trying to work certain muscle groups, then you might want to find ways to work those muscle groups in a DIY way, such as lifting DIY sand weights or practising yoga each morning.

There you have it, everything that you need to know about taking care of yourself while traveling. Hopefully, the tips and advice above will help to make it far easier for you to look after yourself while you are out on the road.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Essential Facts about Weight Loss and Metabolism

Essential Facts about Weight Loss and Metabolism

Metabolism is the most important factor when considering losing weight.
Read interesting facts about metabolism and how it’s important for your
weight loss. Here are 8 essential facts about metabolism:

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

The Secrets Of The Smoking Quitters

The Secrets Of The Smoking Quitters

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Everyone – even those who have never smoked – is aware that quitting smoking is a difficult task. In fact, the difficulties are so well-known, characters making an attempt are often featured as a plotline on TV shows and in movies, such is the universal understanding of just how challenging an undertaking quitting for good can be.

Yet somehow, thousands of people a year manage to say goodbye to cigarettes for good. If you currently are, or know someone who is, a smoker, you may have wondered why some people manage to quit while others are more likely to flounder. While it’s true that every smoker’s quitting story is somewhat unique, there are a few uniting factors behind the successful “I quit” stories…

Successful quitters… understand the process is going to be tough

One of the dominant stereotypes of any addictive behavior is the individual’s belief that they can “quit anytime they want”. Despite the common acceptance that quitting smoking is tough, some smokers start their quitting attempt with the belief that they will be the exception to the rule. This belief then doubles-down the difficulty of quitting; they experience the effects of nicotine withdrawal, and they are particularly disappointed or even surprised by them, which makes relapse more likely. Successful quitters, on the other hand, know that quitting is going to be difficult, so they’re more able to adapt when they encounter a few bumps in the road.

Successful quitters… don’t go it alone

Quitting smoking “cold turkey” – i.e. stopping abruptly and without any kind of nicotine replacement – is rarely successful. While some people do respond well to a clean break, most smokers need a tapering off of their nicotine consumption. From vaping to standard nicotine patches, there are plenty of smoking alternatives that are well worth exploring.

Successful quitters… focus on the cost benefits

Smoking is an expensive habit, and successful quitters often keep a running tally of the amount they have saved through quitting smoking. These savings can be substantial even when factoring in the costs of nicotine replacements, given it’s relatively easy for vapers to find affordable premium e juice, while patches can be bought in bulk to maximize the savings. As a result, you may find it useful to track your savings, with the total figure not spent on cigarettes capable of boosting your spirits and willpower on the tougher days.

Successful quitters… know quitting isn’t just about nicotine

In a world where vaping and nicotine replacement therapies can help to reduce cravings almost entirely, it seems that quitting should be relatively simple. However, successful quitters know that smoking isn’t just about nicotine. Smoking is almost a lifestyle, a way of living, an influencing factor that shapes a person’s day-to-day life. Without smoking, many smokers struggle; there’s no cigarette break to look forward to, no daily trip to the store to purchase more cigarettes, no obvious way to relax after a long day of work. Successful quitters understand these lifestyle changes can be as – if not more – significant than nicotine withdrawal itself; as a result, they’ll look to keep themselves busy, often taking up new hobbies to fill the time until they adjust to a cigarette-free way of being.

In conclusion
Quitting smoking is undeniably challenging but, by keeping the secrets of the successful quitters in mind, you should be able to find your way to a cigarette-free future. Good luck.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Can Your Elderly Parent Still Live Independently?

Can Your Elderly Parent Still Live Independently?

There comes a point in the life of every adult when they start having to worry about their parent just as much as their parent worried about them when they were younger. When this change occurs can differ from person to person, but it usually begins a little after you start to build your own family or when you reach a comfortable point in your life. For instance, you might find that once you reach forty, your parent starts to have more frequent trips to the doctors or even hospital. This is a clear sign that they do need more support and may not be able to live independently anymore. Let’s look at some of the other possible signs that you should watch out for.

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Issues With Dementia

Dementia becomes frighteningly common as we age. It’s quite possible that you start to see signs of dementia as early as forty. This is called early-onset dementia and it’s far rarer. Actual cases of dementia start to become common after sixty-five and you do need to watch out for this.

If you are concerned about dementia, Care For Family’s In-Home Care Services has a checklist you can download with a list of symptoms to watch out for. Dementia moves fast, and by recognising the signs, you can make sure that your parent gets the treatment they need to slow down the progression of the disease.

Early signs include zoning out of conversations and living in the past. This simply means that elderly parents remember long-term memories far more clearly than say, what happened yesterday. You can learn more about the early signs on

Furthermore, you will also need to make sure that you are looking for signs that they are forgetting names, places, and dates. The disease will progress quite quickly once it reaches this point without treatment.

Loss Of Motor Function

Another issue that you must keep a check for is a loss of motor function. This could be anything including issues with motor control. For instance, you might see them making movements that they have no control over. A common sign of a motor neuron disease is the finger moving freely by itself on one hand. It’s a small sign but one that should definitely be checked out by a doctor. If issues with mobility and motor control continue to develop, your parent will eventually need nursing support. You can read more about this option on sites such as Here you’ll discover exactly the type of treatment your elderly parent can receive from a full trained staff and why they might need it.

No Recovery

Finally, you need to watch out for signs that your elderly parent isn’t recovering after suffering from an injury. This does become a serious issue as we age because our bodies heal a lot slower. In some cases, time in the hospital can cause elderly parents to deteriorate faster than before simply because they are in environments that are emotionally stressful for them. As such, you do need to be aware of this problem and work hard to provide the full support they need.

We hope you find this advice useful when determining whether your elderly parent can no longer live independently without help from you or others.

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram.

Everyday Tips from Tia