Category Archives: ORGANIC HEALTH & HOME

Tips for Beating Insomnia without Prescription Pills

Tips for Beating Insomnia without Prescription Pills

Unmade Bed

Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder in the United States. A recent survey found that 95 percent of adults nationwide experience insomnia at some point in their lives ― and roughly one-third reported insomnia-related sleep problems within the past year. Many people treat insomnia using prescribed medications. Many physicians recommend a class of non-benzodiazepines known as ‘z-drugs’, which have proven quite effective at reducing insomnia symptoms and are considered the go-to medication for this disorder. Other hypnotics and sedatives may be prescribed, as well.

Unfortunately, all prescribed medications used to treat insomnia carry potentially negative side effects. Although these vary by drug, some of the most common effects include daytime drowsiness, headaches, nausea and light sensitivity. Many are also habit-forming and can lead to addictive tendencies if they are taken for long periods of time.

This post will look at some of the most effective anti-insomnia measures that will hopefully help sufferers fall asleep peacefully. For people who want to look at a range of remedies, they can always check out products such as a sleep tincture, to expand on what they use. So, without any further delay, here are some tips that can be put to use.

Types of Insomnia

In order to properly treat insomnia, it’s important to understand the different forms this sleep disorder can take. Secondary insomnia refers to symptoms that occur due to another injury, illness, prescription drug dependency or other conditions that can disrupt sleep patterns; primary insomnia, on the other hand, arises independently.

Insomnia may also be classified by duration. The term ‘short-term’ or ‘acute’ insomnia refers to symptoms that last for less than 30 days; after the 30-day benchmark, the condition progresses to chronic insomnia. Additionally, ‘transient’ insomnia applies to travelers who experience insomnia symptoms as they adapt to a different time zone; ‘jet lag’ is considered a type of short-term transient insomnia. Generally speaking, you should only seek treatment for insomnia once it has evolved into a chronic condition.

Some people with insomnia have a particularly tough time falling asleep; this is known as sleep-onset insomnia. Others struggle to remain asleep throughout the night; this is referred to as sleep-maintenance insomnia. This post will address treatment options for both sleep-onset and sleep-maintenance insomnia.

Option 1: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

This option (known as CBT for short) is a catch-all term for any type of sleep therapy that addresses insomnia symptoms. CBT has proven highly effective, and is regarded as comparable ― if not superior ― to prescription drugs. CBT often involves sleep restriction therapy (SRT), which requires the patient to follow a rigid sleep schedule every night and get up at the same time each morning. Realigning your sleep patterns to fit a certain window period is often the key to beating insomnia.

Another type of CBT commonly used for insomnia patients is stimulus control, which trains the patient to ignore stimuli (such as light and background noise) that hinder a good night’s sleep. Paradoxical intention may also be used; this reverse-psychology approach requires patients to lay in bed and remain awake as long as possible, allowing their minds to relax and their bodies to become naturally tired. Many CBT patients are asked to record their nighttime patterns in a sleep diary in order to see if progress is being made.

Option 2: Light Therapy

Many people experience insomnia due to disruptions to their Circadian rhythm, a biological 24-hour clock that operates in sync with natural sunlight. Light therapy (also known as phototherapy) uses bright lamps to trigger the suprachiasmatic nucleus area of the brain’s hypothalamus and help realign a patient’s Circadian cycle. Regular exposure to the lamplight will eventually get the patient back on track.

Generally speaking, light therapy requires exposure to the lamps for at least 30 minutes per day, preferably in the morning. Light therapy lamps utilize bulbs measured at roughly 10,000 lux; in contrast, household lights usually range between 50 and 80 lux. Light therapy is relatively expensive and completely drug-free. However, artificial light is less effective for people who spend long periods of time under natural sunlight (i.e., those who work outside).

Option 3: Improved Sleep Hygiene

If you are struggling with insomnia, then there’s a good chance you can reduce some of your symptoms by changing your daily sleep habits. Cutting out nicotine and alcohol is a good start; you may want to curb your caffeine intake, as well. Also, avoid activities like eating and exercising too close to bedtime. You may want to re-evaluate your mattress, as well, particularly if you have chronic back and/or shoulder pain; mattresses made of soft materials like latex and memory foam are designed to alleviate pain and pressure to a much greater extent than traditional innerspring.

Option 4: Melatonin

Melatonin is a natural hormone produced in the pineal gland that helps regulate Circadian rhythm and healthy sleep patterns. It is regulated by the amino acid tryptophan, also known as the sleep-inducing substance in foods like turkey. Many physicians encourage insomnia patients to take melatonin supplements because, unlike other anti-insomnia medications, melatonin is non-habit-forming and produces very few side effects. Melatonin is currently available as an over-the-counter medication.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram

Ben Murray is a writer and researcher for sleep science hub He can usually be found running, hiking, biking or kayaking around the Pacific Northwest ― though he enjoys a good nap as much as the next person.


Some Suggestions That Might Ensure Better Health In The Long-Term

Some Suggestions That Might Ensure Better Health In The Long-Term

Maintaining your health is crucial to a happier future. You might be able to binge on food or drink too much alcohol without any negative consequences whilst you’re young, but the effects of neglecting your health will start to show as the years go by. Still, there’s a lot you can do to improve your health in the long-term, and you don’t have to devote your life to healthy living in order to make a big difference. Here are some suggestions that might ensure better health in the long-term.


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Make an improvement to your bodily health.

The first step to ensuring better long-term health is to take better care of your body. Eating better food is a good place to start. You need to make sure that you’re getting the sustenance your body needs; ensure that your diet includes a variety of all the different food groups necessary to keep your body balanced. In addition, you should exercise regularly. Everybody needs to keep their body moving for the sake of their overall health. Whilst you don’t need to start running marathons, you should be physically active in some capacity if you want to maintain a healthy mind, heart, and weight level in the long-run.


Of course, some people struggle with exercise or any sort of physical exertion because of chronic pain. If you’ve been having a hard time maintaining your physical health because it hurts to move too much then you might want to look into a marijuana delivery cali that could give you the medical assistance necessary to alleviate some of your pain. It’s important to seek whatever help you need to ensure your body is prepared for physical activity. Exercising is so important to long-term health.


Book regular medical appointments.

Obviously, you don’t usually need to see a medical professional unless you notice a problem with your health (and it’d be pretty difficult to book weekly visits given how long some waiting lists can be), but you should aim to book regular medical appointments whether you notice medical issues or not. For example, you should see your dentist once every year. Brushing and flossing your teeth will keep those pearly whites healthy, but it’s important to get the advice of a medical professional to make sure that you are maintaining proper dental care.

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Start prioritizing your mental health.

If you want to stay healthy in the long-term then you need to start prioritizing your mental health. As discussed earlier, keeping your body healthy can have a hugely positive impact on the health of your mind, but there’s still a lot that can be done to directly target mental issues you might be having. For example, managing stress levels is an important life skill that many of us should aim to learn in the modern world. Most of us experience jobs at work, at school, or even at home. It can have negative effects on your mental and physical health, so you should address this issue. Talk to friends and family about how you’re feeling. Embrace your support network. You might even want to talk to a therapist.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Secure your home before going for a trip

Secure your home before going for a trip


Before going for your much-awaited vacation, you will definitely want to protect your home from break-ins, vandalism, etc. There are several ways that will help you prevent a burglar from breaking into your house. One of the most important things to keep in mind is to not post about your vacation on social media while you are away. Burglars will look for status updates and photos of any vacation that would tell them when you will not be there at your place. You can post the photos after returning home. Follow some strategies to secure your home while you are away on a vacation: 

Do not make it obvious that you are not at home:

You can ask your trustworthy neighbor, family member, or a friend to come to your house every day for collecting your mail, or you can stop the delivery of newspapers at your place during the time of your vacation. If this is not done, the burglar will realize that your house is empty and nobody is stopping by. It is better if the person receiving the mail or newspaper vary his or her time of coming to your house. If your home is being cased, an intruder will be least likely to break-in as he or she will not know when your friend or family will come to collect the mail and newspapers.

You can even put monitored lights on the timers so that they can turn on and off implying the presence of people at home. You can even install a home automation system that will allow you to control the lights while you are on your vacation, using your smartphone. Lights turning on and off at different times without being in the same pattern will imply that someone is at home.

Install monitored house security system:

It has been found out that about 60% of convicted burglars have avoided houses that had security systems. If any home security system keypad could be noticed inside a window sticker, the door, or a yard sign, they used to move to some other home that did not have any security system.

Keep all the valuables away from your windows:

When intruders wish to get inside your home, they will be more interested if the valuables are seen through the windows. This will help them plan their task quickly. They will first target your bedroom because all valuables including jewelry, money, etc. are kept there. No matter how secure the doors and windows are, valuables should be kept away from outside view. If you do not have a safe, then hide the valuables in places like the soil of any artificial plant, inside the books, etc.

Keep away your spare key:

Do not ever leave the spare keys in places like under mats, under rocks, or in flower pots. If someone comes to your house to take care of things, give them the spare key. If you have installed a home security system, then give them the password in case the security alarm gets accidentally triggered. But share the code or give the spare key only to trustworthy people.

Ask someone to take care of your property:

If you go for a summer vacation, then hire somebody to look after your lawn. If you go for a winter vacation, then hire somebody to shovel snow. Don’t keep your property neglected as it is a sign that your home is empty, giving an opportunity for potential intruders to break-in. Ask somebody to throw the trash from your house.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Removing The Stress From Home Rescue

Removing The Stress From Home Rescue

If you’ve recently been the victim of any kind of large scale disaster, or maybe just a burst pipe that flooded your kitchen and living room out, there’s a good chance you’re tearing your hair out right now. Not only has your new backsplash or feature wall you spent hours on been irreparably ruined, but you’ve lost the use of a good portion of your home. The home you pay for!


So it’s time to make sure you’re getting all the reparations you need after something like this goes down. And don’t worry, you’re not the only one in this kind of situation. Here’s a couple of ideas that can get you started on the work that desperately needs to be done, but in a much less energy consuming way!




Find Someone to Help


Help is something a lot of people turn down, but when it comes to something as serious as losing your own home to outside elements, no matter what kind, you need to take up any offers you find. So if you have suffered quite extensively at the hands of nature, invading your home and turning it into a mess, it’s time to get your four walls back on their feet and your comfy living space back.


There are always people out there who can help you, and one such company is that of This is a good solution for anyone in landlocked areas, living under extremely tropical conditions for the country we’re in! After all, it’s especially hard to find anything that can do such a good clean up job if you’re living inland with little outside access!


Change Your Lighting Fixtures


This would be a good idea if you know the wires in your walls are damaged, and now you want a safer and softer option for your time and money. Changing your lighting fixtures doesn’t have to be hard either, and foregoing overhead lighting completely can be rather cheap considering what you’ve had to put up with recently!


Get some standing lamps and table lamps to litter around the place, simple as. It’ll be good for your eyes, and help to reintroduce more of a calm atmosphere that you once had by the bucket load.


Change Your Color Scheme


When you’ve got some harsh colors by the block load on your walls and floors, you’re not going to be feeling too good about the space around you. And hey, now’s the perfect time to pull up the carpet and replace the floorboard with something a little more hardwood!


Pastel colors are always going to work the best on your walls, and you can introduce light tones like white to offset them against each other. Not to mention you can really spruce up a damaged or cracked wall with all the maintenance you’ll need to do beforehand.


Taking the stress out of caring for your home at times like these is possible! Do your best to take a breath and get to work.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Can Feng Shui Help You Sleep Better?

Can Feng Shui Help You Sleep Better?


If you have had difficulty sleeping lately, you have probably spent a lot of your spare time googling to try and find the answer. And I’m sure that you’ve found a myriad of solutions and quick fixes. None of them work for you? If not, don’t stress. There is one final thing that you might want to try out – feng shui!


Not heard of feng shui before? It’s a Chinese pseudoscience that states the placement of furniture in our homes can greatly affect the flow of energy. Certain blockages and issues with the energy could lead to problems in our lives, such as difficulty sleeping. Are you prepared to see if feng shui can help improve your sleep? Here are some things that you might like to try.


Make Sure Your Bedroom Isn’t Too Big


First of all, you need to ensure that your bedroom isn’t any bigger than what it needs to be. Some people who sleep in large bedrooms often wake up feeling very tired, even if they have got a minimum of eight hour’s sleep. That’s usually because it can be difficult to relax in large rooms. According to feng shui, we don’t have as much control over larger spacious, especially when we are vulnerable during sleep. So, you might find that moving into a smaller bedroom helps you feel a lot cozier and in control at night.

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Don’t Place The Head Of The Bed Below A Window


Some followers of feng shui would even suggest that you don’t place your bed right under a window. That’s because your sleep will be a lot more easily disrupted from all of the energy flowing into your bedroom through the window. Even if you have some blinds from blocking out the light, the flow of external energy could still be quite disturbing. So, try and keep your bed well away from the room’s window.

Try To Avoid Slanted Ceilings


Another thing that most feng shui followers would tell you to avoid would be slanted ceilings in the bedroom. Even though you might not feel it, your subconscious could find that bedrooms with these kinds of ceilings are actually quite claustrophobic. And anyway, who wants to risk bumping their head on a low ceiling as soon as they wake up in the morning?!



Remove Work From The Bedroom


If you read articles like the ones on, you will already be aware that the glow from computer and tablet screens can really damage the quality of your sleep. Well, feng shui was already aware that working in the bedroom was bad for us even before we could tap away at our laptops in bed, and its followers believe that work should be left outside. So, leave your computer and devices in your study or living room so that you can concentrate on sleeping in the bedroom.


As you can see, there are actually quite a few ways the practice of feng shui can help to improve your sleep!

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.