How to Grow and Keep a Great Looking Beard

So, you’re a guy that’s decided to grow a beard? You’ll be the envy of all of the guys that secretly wish that they could sport a handsome beard and you’ll no doubt turn a few heads from those that admire beards on guys.
But where do you start when it comes to growing a beard? How do you make sure that your beard looks dapper and not a complete mess?
Here are some beard care tips for the guys out there that want to grow their mane. Read on for more.
Know Which Beard Shape Will Suit Your Face
When it comes to beard gains, you need to know which style of beard is going to best suit your face.
Generally, you should let the beard soften any extremities in your features and pull everything closer to the centre of your face. For instance, if you have a long face, you wouldn’t want a beard that is long, and that will accentuate this fact. You’ll want a beard that widens your face so plan to grow a beard that has wider sides and is kept short at the chin. If you have a square face, think about softening up your jaw and having a larger patch of hair under your chin.
A Good Beard Takes Time
When it comes to growing a great beard, it will take time. You shouldn’t expect to see your beard appearing within days or even weeks. A good beard could take months or even longer to cultivate.
Be patient with your beard. It will grow eventually.
Shave the Perimeter
There is a difference between a beard that is left to grow wild and a well-kept beard, and that is that the perimeter is always kept neat and tidy on a well-kept beard.
This means shaving your cheeks and your neckline to keep your beard in check.
Know How and When To Trim Your Beard
If you want a great looking beard, you need to know when and how you should trim your beard. Trim too early or too short, and you’ll be left with a weak-looking beard.
Invest in a good quality trimmer. If you are not confident that you’ll do a good job, find a barber that is experienced at trimming beards. A good rule of thumb when looking for a barber for your beard is to see if they have a beard themselves. They will understand the plight of perfecting the perfect mane.
Wash Your Beard Often
Just like the hairs on your head, you need to wash your beard often. Think about getting a good beard wash that will not only clean your beard but the skin underneath it too. Dead skin under your beard hairs can be a problem, so you may want to clean your beard with an antidandruff shampoo.
Then, once you have washed your beard, gently pat it dry. Never use a hairdryer or aggressively towel dry it as this could cause damage to your hairs.
Tia, and is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.