A Beginner’s Guide To Getting Invisalign Instead Of Standard Braces

A Beginner’s Guide To Getting Invisalign Instead Of Standard Braces

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In this blog post, we will provide you with some useful information on getting Invisalign in your local area. Read on to discover more about why this is the preferred option today, as well as some advice on how you can care for your aligners once you have Invisalign treatment.

Why choose Invisalign over braces? 

The plus sides of Invisalign are headed by the fact that they are practically invisible. For someone who doesn’t want the physically unattractive addition of braces, Invisalign can be a good alternative. Equally, something your dentist in your local area will probably tell you about Invisalign is that they’re removable; a fact that generally improves the quality of your life while you’re wearing them. This means that you won’t have any difficulty eating, which is a common complaint with traditional braces. 

However, the downside of undergoing Invisalign your local area treatment is that you’ll have to remove the aligners every time you eat anything or have a drink of anything other than water. This is something you’ll quickly become accustomed to, though; it is certainly no more annoying than the difficulties you can encounter while eating with metal braces. You will also be advised to brush after each and every meal with Invisalign, though; and this may need a little forward planning till you get into a routine. 

On the other hand, there aren’t any wires with Invisalign so the level of discomfort is drastically reduced. You’ll likely still have a degree of mild pain or discomfort with Invisalign, but this is manageable and nowhere near the levels that metal braces can cause on a day to day basis. 

How will Invisalign impact your lifestyle?

Most dental professionals will be upfront with you about the kind of dos and don’ts associated with Invisalign aligners. One of the best things about wearing Invisalign is that the majority of people you come into contact with won’t even know you’re wearing them. They are easily one of the most discreet teeth straightening options around and that’s a primary reason why people choose them over metal braces. However, if you make a few changes to your everyday life, you’ll find that you won’t damage or stain your aligners. 

While you have to remove your aligners every time you eat or have a drink that isn’t water, that doesn’t mean you can still eat exactly what you want. It’s true that certain foods and drinks can stain easily, and this can transfer onto the aligners. So you’re advised to stay away from tea, coffee, and red wine for a while, or at least massively cut down. In addition, take extra care of your teeth for the duration of your treatment, including brushing your teeth every time you eat. If you have concerns about the impact of Invisalign treatments on your lifestyle, speak to your dentist honestly about them prior to commencing any course of treatment.

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