5 Ways to Feel More Secure in Your Own Home

5 Ways to Feel More Secure in Your Own Home

Living alone can be a scary and unknown territory, especially if you’re doing it for the first time. Every strange creek of the floorboards or flicker of light outside can cause you to freak out internally, just a little bit. Whether you’re looking to improve your home protection or you simply want to feel a tiny bit safer when you’re home alone, there are many things you can do to put your mind at ease. You deserve to feel comfortable and secure in your own home instead of panicking about the unknown. Consider these five ways to feel more relaxed and safe in your home environment and you will soon have nothing to worry about.

teddybear on bed near night stand and window


1. Fix Faulty Doors

When you live on your own you need to make sure that all of your windows and doors are very secure. You will never feel safe if your garage door is always slightly ajar or one of your windows doesn’t quite close properly. Look into local garage door repair and you will soon be able to put your mind at ease. Instead of worrying about that faulty door or window you will soon be able to sleep easy.

2. Invest in a Security System

If you have a security system that links up to your phone, you will always be able to check for movement whether you’re upstairs or out of the house. It will make you feel a lot calmer knowing that your home is safe at all hours of the day.

3. Leave a Small Light On

Whether you’re going to bed or leaving the house for the evening, you should always leave small lamp on in your home. This will not only warn of intruders, but it will also take a little weight off your shoulders. When it looks like somebody is at home, trespassers will be less likely to risk it by breaking in or disturbing your peace.

4. Lock Your Doors

When you live alone it is really important to lock your doors so that you feel super safe at night. Although this seems like a simple idea, many people who live on their own don’t realize how important it is. Keep your keys in the door and double lock it if you can. Don’t forget to lock all windows and the back door too.

5. Invite a Friend Over

If you’re ever feeling especially uncomfortable in your own home, then why not invite your friend over? Having a bit of company will take your mind off feeling alone or scared. You can catch up, have a glass of wine or watch a movie; in no time you will be able to forget that you were ever scared to be at home on your own.

Living alone for the first time is a daunting prospect, but you shouldn’t let your fears get in the way of you pursuing something you really want to do. Having that independence will serve you greatly in the future, so make these small changes now and you will feel instantly more content.

Tia, and TipsfromTia.com  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Plan Today For A Safer Tomorrow

Plan Today For A Safer Tomorrow

None of us really wants to think about it, but protecting yourself and your family in the event of a tragedy or illness is a practical and necessary step to take now. When you’re going through a difficult time the last thing you need to think about is paperwork or finding those documents. Getting your house in order today will save on additional heartbreak tomorrow.

We look at some practical tips you can take to ensure that you and your loved ones are well prepared should the worst happen.

Get organized

Step one is getting your current files together in an obvious place to save on time and frustrations later down the track. If you have a stack of life insurance documents then save them in one place, clearly labeled and in a logical order. Do the same with any Wills or house deeds that might come in useful.

If you’re uncomfortable leaving them out in an unprotected space then place them in lockable storage but be sure to let loved ones know where the keys are. To really beef up their security, consider electronically scanning them and adding them to your computer, backed up of course on to an external source such as cloud storage. Like the keys, make sure your family is able to access the relevant passwords and knows where on your computer they’ll be able to find the files when needed.

A gentle reminder at this point: if you haven’t got around to making a Will and let’s be honest a great many people don’t, then now’s the time to have a chat with a legal advisor on how to get this remedied. Your next of kin might be obvious but a Will serves to take away any doubt or worry from your loved ones at what you intended to do with your money or property.

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Image courtesy of Pixabay

Get advice

If you’re facing other tough times in your life then the best thing you can do is share the burden and not try and shoulder the problem alone.

When your relationship looks like it might be unraveling and you’re not sure where you stand legally on your property or entitlement to income, rather than stress about it get in touch with a divorce lawyer. You’re not committing yourself to any course of action with a consultation, just figuring out what you’re entitled to and where you stand in case the relationship can’t be patched up and both parties decide to part ways.

Your partner too will benefit from having this knowledge in order to make, what is often a very painful process, as straightforward as possible.

As mentioned previously, consult a lawyer to get your Will in good shape while you’re thinking about any possible divorce proceedings.

If you’re going through an illness or accident, then take some time to find out what, if any, compensation or insurance payouts you might be entitled to.

Too many of us assume we won’t be entitled to anything, only to miss out on a cash injection when we need it most.

If you are someone who runs their own business then look into cover that will continue to pay you an income if you’re unable to work for a period of time. Make sure that you fully understand the terms of any legal paperwork you sign and if necessary have a lawyer or financial advisor run over the small print with you, so you know what you’re signing up for.

Get ready

When you’re planning for your retirement, consider what you’ll need financially to make this time of your life comfortable and free from any worries. You might need to consider selling your home to pay for more suitable accommodation or feel like you’d want to give your children their inheritance ahead of time. Talk to a financial adviser and planner about how that works for you.

Planning for the worst might feel like you’re tempting fate but with some solid strategies in place, neither you nor your family will have to take on any more stress than is necessary.

Give yourself some peace of mind by getting organized today. Don’t be afraid to talk to friends and family about the plans you’ve made, letting them know where they can find those important documents. Seek advice from the professionals when you need to, rather than just leaving it and hoping for the best. Get those plans sorted out today and live life to the full tomorrow.

Tia, and TipsfromTia.com  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

How to Spot the Signs of Growing Apart

How to Spot the Signs of Growing Apart

We all wish relationships lasted forever, but statistics say otherwise. It is important that you educate yourself on how healthy partnerships should work and when it is time to make adjustments or move on. You don’t want your partner to drag you down or stop you from becoming the best version of yourself. Below you will find a few signs of one of the main reasons of relationship breakdowns; growing apart.

Image via Pixabay

He Is Stuck In His Ways

We all fall in love because we find something unique and appealing in the other person. However, people change, and we learn more about what they really are like, and we develop ourselves. If you find that he is not on the same journey as you, and doesn’t want to change, you will need to start thinking whether or not your relationship is worth it for him, or he is just stuck in the situation.

You Are Growing Faster

We all love developing and growing. You might enroll to a college course, improve your career, or simply take in meditation, If the other person doesn’t respect or value your effort and your journey towards self discovery, they will be left behind. If you have more ambition than they do, chances are that they will not be the right person for you for too long. It might be time to have a chat with a littleton divorce lawyer to research your options.

You Stopped Doing Things Together

One of the most common signs of relationships not working is when you stop doing things together. If he is no longer interested in going to your favorite place, you might be thinking whether or not they were pretending to be someone else in the beginning of your relationship. Other than lack of time, the lack of interest in each other’s passion can kill romantic relationships.

Your Values are Not Aligned

Image via Pexels

Of course, we all change our outlook in life and adjust our values as well as our personal mission. If your partner doesn’t believe in the same things, maybe criticizes you for doing things one way and not another, chances are that you will soon realize that enough is enough and you need to move on. If you cannot have a conversation any more, there is simply no point being together.

You Just Leave It to Them to Avoid Arguments

In case you find yourself walking away from arguments all the time, you will need to start thinking about the reasons. Is your partner using emotional blackmailing, or simply wants to belittle you? If you are always the person who takes a step back and leaves them to be, you will have to stop walking on eggshells and make some drastic changes.

When relationships stop working, it is important that you spot the warning signs before it is too late. Growing apart is hard to fix, without therapy, and you need to ask yourself whether or not you have the time and if it is worth the effort.

Tia, and TipsfromTia.com  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Making it Work: Finding True Love in the Millennial World

Making it Work: Finding True Love in the Millennial World

Source: unsplash.com

Dating in the millennial world is like strolling through the jungle ofravenous beasts. As soon as you fire up your dating app, trolls and predatorsflock to your profile, hell-bent on tearing your confidence into pieces. Terrifying, right? While the situation is not necessarily as drastic as presented (though it truly happens to numerous unwitting love-seekers), finding genuine love in the millennial world is turning into an exception. Getting tothe root cause of why “making it work” has become a miracle is not particularlyhard. Rendering the process easier is a significantly harder riddle to solve.

Commitment issues are rampant

The problem mostly lies in the fact that millennial generation has an overwhelming phobia of commitment. This widespread phenomenon has emerged exactly due to the dating app factor.Why would you bother when there are plenty more “swipes” in the sea? In themillennial mind, people have turned into commodities. The first step to solving this, should you come across someone that you truly like, is to actively seekout connections with the person through common interests.

Source: unsplash.com

This way, you will become more than a cardboard cutout or a set of brief traits in the eyes of the potential date, much more quickly. However, the second step is quite harder and it is also related to the fear of commitment. This obstacle comes in the signature millennial fear of opening up, coupled with the unwillingness to repeatedly invest energy into partners.

The main tool is also a problem

With the omnipresent power of the internet, the metaphysical cloud that covers the globe and simmers with endless data, long distance relationships have become more common place. While previous generation used the net as a tool in this regard, matters have become a bit trickier for millennials.

Source: unsplash.com

In the world of diminished attention spans and constant pursue for immediate gratification, the survival of long distance relationships requires both parties to exercise in human patience and constant readiness to compromise. The additional work might be exhaustive, but the benefits of pulling through are immeasurable.

Self-centered world

The afore mentioned unwillingness to invest energy in relationships is not a mild problem. Millennials learn, since early age, to be focused solely on themselves and their own needs. In addition, the digital realm is tailored exactly to cater to the individual’s perception of oneself as the “center of the world”. In spite of this, you can easily spot a glaring contradiction within such state of things – since the choices at our disposal are in numerable, it becomes easy to feel as if we do not matter in the grand scheme of things. Generations ago, people used to belong to diffuse and organic social microcosms which were easier to navigate. An average millennial suffers the “tyranny of freedom” but manages to come on top as long ascertain basic tenets are followed.

Avoid distractions and have a clear goal

In order to find the right partner, you need to narrow down your wants into a reasonable goal. As soon as you enter the world of dating (both online and offline) things can get really distracting really fast so it helps to have a clear goal when it comes to the type of person you’d love to “find”. Just don’t fall into a trap of perceiving people as conquests as you will end up perpetuating previous mistakes. Second, you need to communicate this goal clearly, which might trim down the number of people that are willing to date you drastically, but at least you will pique the interest of those that want a similar arrangement. Finally, you need to take action and have hope no matter what – a few failed dates should not discourage you.

Source: unsplash.com

We live in the unprecedented times. The world is changing faster than we can process it and so does the way we engage with people around us. In this digital jungle of social media and dating apps, dating has turned into a curious multi-dimensional maneuver that dances frantically between numerous versions of your identity. Only one of these versions is completely genuine;all others are hyper-stylized. Previous generations did not have to wrestle with social hierarchies that include multiple levels of reality, all in order to fulfill the needs that are so primordial and instinctive. Both the problem and the solution to finding true love in the millennial world lie in the heartof this paradox. Thankfully, as infinitely quotable Dr. John Hammond says in“Jurassic Park”, “Life always finds a way.”  

Tia, and TipsfromTia.com  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

How to Make Sex and Motherhood Align

How to Make Sex and Motherhood Align

They say everything changes once you have kids. But have you ever considered the changes to your love life? When you become a mom, your kids become a new and worthwhile sense of joy; they’re now your number one priority and captivate most of your time and energy. But that doesn’t mean your love life, especially physical intimacy, should need to take a back seat. Whether you’re a single mom getting back out on the dating scene, a first-timeparent to a newborn, or even a wife whose marriage has been lacking spark after raising kids, there are solutions to every mom’s differing sexual needs after kids.

Quit guilt-tripping yourself

In the same facet that moms shouldn’t feel guilty about not having sex, moms also shouldn’t be ashamed for desiring sex. After all, sex allows us to create a new life – it’s what made us moms. Not to mention the many proven benefits sex can have on our health and that it can be rewarding for relationships. Maintaining a healthy sex life does not make you a bad mom. It’s all about finding the balance between tending to your child(ren), while also making time to fulfill your own needs.

Don’t let body insecurities stop you

Women undergo many physical changes throughout and after pregnancy, like stretch marks, weight gain, loose skin, and even leaky breasts; all of which can take an emotional toll on our self-confidence making the thought of being intimate again unimaginable. However, you may be surprised by how quickly youfind yourself craving that physical connection again, and since women can ovulate as early as three weeks after childbirth, you’ll want to be prepared if you’re not ready for your family to grow again quite yet. If you’re hesitant to use birth control due to the worry of further weight gain, then fear no more. Most birth controls contain two hormones, a progestin and anestrogen. High levels of estrogen are associated with fluid retention (aka bloating and weight gain). But modern birth control pills nowcontain lower doses of estrogen and progestin, debunking the idea that birth control and weight gain are one and the same, so choosing the best birth control for you is that much easier.

Be creative and flexible

Another reason sex doesn’t always transpire after children is the concept that parenting is a 24/7 job. But like any other job, we all deserve a break at some point. A comfortable way to transition back into having a sex life is to plan a night alone with your partner by dropping the kids off at grandma or grandpa’s house for a night. Your mind can relax knowing that your little ones are in the trusted hands of a loved one. If you don’t have the luxury of a relative or babysitter, don’t give into the notion that you can’t ‘get it on’ just because the kids are home. Forgo your former expectations of sex and fit it in around your time. Have some ‘sexy time’ after the kids goto bed or before they wake up. Make use of nap times or even hop in the shower together for a steamy, intimate moment alone. Just make sure to lock the door!

Becoming a mom means learning new ways to adapt to everything you once did before children, including sex. Women may not have the same sex life they did before kids, but it’s possible that sex after children can be even better as it can teach women to love their natural body, and allow for more opportunities for spontaneity and rekindling romance.

Tia, and TipsfromTia.com  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

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