Category Archives: BEAUTY

4 Questions about Women’s Intimate Hygiene – Answered

By Guest Blogger, Diana S.

4 Questions about Women’s Intimate Hygiene – Answered


Turns out that all women have the same questions and the same concerns about their personal hygiene, and many feel too embarrassed or afraid to talk about them. But our personal, feminine hygiene is crucial for good health, and you shouldn’t feel ashamed to ask questions about your body. You should always be aware of what is going on inside of you, and ask a professional for advice if you see some changes that you aren’t sure about. So, let’s answer some of the most frequent questions about your personal hygiene:

Are the odors normal?

We all tend to think that our bodies are somehow weird and different from everyone else’s. But actually, the odds are that whatever you are going through, a lot of people are going through as well. You might notice a certain odor around your vagina, but the discharge that it produces (which is also completely normal) often has a smell. The one thing you definitely mustn’t do is use strong soaps with a lot of perfume to try to cover up the smell, because that can do some serious damage. If you think that the odor is stronger than it should be, or if you find it unpleasant, it might be a good idea to check in with your doctor, because a strong odor might be a sign of an infection that needs to be taken care of.

Should I be douching?

Absolutely not. Your vagina is actually very smart and it takes care of itself really good. The discharge that you can sometimes spot is actually a vagina’s self-cleansing system, which, if you are in good health, works like a charm. Douching, or trying to clean the inside of your vagina in any way, can harm the natural balance and processes that your body has in place. Remember that periods are completely normal and that there is no need to feel dirty, while you are on your period. If you think that there is something wrong with your lady parts, instead of taking things into your own hands – visit a gynecologist and share your worries with them.

Should I groom my pubic hair?

That choice is entirely up to you. In the past, women and men would remove their hair to prevent lice, but in today’s modern society, we don’t have those worries. What’s more, your pubic hair actually protects your vagina from any dirt that might otherwise get to your labia. So, the choice is entirely up to you, but be careful with hair removal techniques, because your skin is very delicate in that area and ingrown hairs are a common occurrence. If you do choose to remove your pubic hair, perhaps it’s best to visit a professional beauty salon and let them help you.

What is the proper way to clean up?

While you are in the shower, you should wash the outer parts of your vagina with some warm water. If you want to use soap, make sure it is natural, mild and made for intimate care. Don’t ever let soap get on the inside of your vagina. Some places have equipment devoted to the task, like a bidet in Australia or Europe. These are especially useful for when you are on your period, because they make cleaning up very easy. But if you are out and about, traveling or camping, you can use intimate wet wipes for on-the-go freshness.


Remember that it’s up to you how you take care of your body, and health and comfort should be your top priorities. So, stay clean and fresh and be happy in your body.


 Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

8 Anti-Aging Tips for Your Skin

By Guest Blogger, Luke D.

8 Anti-Aging Tips for Your Skin

All women want their skin to be healthy, glowing and youthful, so it’s no wonder that we’ll try anything to retain that ageless look. While certain skin changes are inevitable, without proper scare, you’ll expose your skin to the risk of premature aging. Therefore, it’s essential that you develop a regular routine that will help you have soft skin, pore-free complexion and a youthful look.

Mind your diet

Your diet can greatly affect the look of your skin, so it’s of the utmost importance that you eat foods that will help you nourish your skin. Although you’ve probably heard the expression “you are what you eat” so many times before, keep repeating it to yourself in order to leave all those harmful substances behind. Processed sugar is definitely one of the ingredients that shouldn’t be a part of your diet. Why? White sugar weakens the collagen in your skin, speeding up the aging process and causing premature sagging and wrinkles. Another substance you should avoid consuming is alcohol because it can dehydrate your skin. Instead, your diet should contain a lot of protein, vitamin C, foods rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acid, all of which can help your skin retain a youthful look.


Hydrate your skin

Dehydration can lead to a pale, paper-like complexion and sagging skin, so keeping your skin hydrated is essential for preventing premature aging. This entails drinking plenty of water (around eight glasses per day), as well as eating foods rich in water. Since your skin tends to lose moisture during night, you should eat plenty of watery foods before going to bed – drinking water before bedtime will keep you up all night. In addition, make sure that skincare products you use have hydrating formulas.


Have a professional facial treatment

Every once in a while, you should schedule a professional facial treatment in a trustworthy spa and wellness centre. There’s plenty of different treatments, each one offering certain benefits. For example, an endermolift facial treatment will help you reduce your fine lines and wrinkles, restore your skin vitality and firmness and reactivate the production of collagen in your. Occasional facial treatments will help your skin attain a natural tone and a glowing complexion.


Wear sun protection

Exposure to the sun’s harmful effects can cause serious skin damage, as well as premature aging, age spots and discoloration. To keep your skin supple and youthful, make sure to use sunscreen regularly with at least 30 SPF (sun protection factor). When choosing a sunscreen, you should opt for one that has moisturising properties and antioxidants and doesn’t contain alcohol. Additionally, don’t limit your use of sunscreen only to the occasions when you’re going to the beach or know that you’ll be heavily exposed to sunlight. You’re exposed to UV radiation on a daily basis, so you should wear appropriate protection at all times.


Keep it simple, but effective

In the attempt to keep their skin healthy and young-looking, many women start using dozens of skin products. However, this can actually irritate your skin and cause even more serious issues, including clogged pores, breakouts and redness. Instead, you should stick to a minimalist skincare routine that entails using a limited number of products. Keep in mind that it’s better to invest more in one or two products than buying a lot of cheap ones.


Don’t forget to exfoliate

Exfoliation is a necessary part of every skincare routine that will help your skin look brighter and smoother. Our skin sheds dead cells on a daily basis, but this process tends to slow down over time, leaving you with a dull complexion. Therefore, it’s essential that you help your skin lose those dead cells by exfoliating regularly. However, this step shouldn’t be applied daily, but only up to three times a week.


Go to a hammam

Another secret to preventing premature aging is simply relaxing and a hammam is the perfect place for that. By treating yourself to a hammam therapy, not only will you be able to unwind, but you’ll also establish a connection between your body and mind, detoxify your body from harmful substances, cleanse, hydrate and exfoliate your skin and get in touch with your inner self.


Cream up

When buying skin creams, make sure to read the labels and pick those that are rich in vitamins, antioxidants and hydrating properties. Furthermore, you should choose those that are suitable for your skin type – if you have sensitive skin, gentle creams with soothing properties are your safest option. In addition, you should buy them from reliable and trustworthy labels, such as the Neostrata skincare products, to ensure your skin’s health. Since skin creams are essential for preventing premature aging, you should invest in high-quality ones.


To give your skin a glowing, natural and youthful look, you should develop a regular skincare routine, pick high-quality products, undergo occasional facial and hammam treatments and protect it from UV radiation.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

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6 Skincare Myths You Probably Believe

6 Skincare Myths You Probably Believe

When you’re getting skin care advice left right and center, how do you know what to believe? It seems like everybody has their own idea about what makes a great skin routine and there are so many different skin products on the market, it’s hard to know where to start. Amongst all of that conflicting information, you’re bound to get some bad advice floating about. When that bad advice gets online and spreads around it can quickly become a myth.


The problem with these skin care myths is that they’re actually doing you a lot of harm and there are so many people out there that are following these myths, thinking that they’re protecting their skin when they’re actually doing the complete opposite. To help you avoid ruining your skin routine, make sure you don’t listen to any of these skin care myths.

Tanning Booths And UVB Rays


When research into tanning booths found that the UV rays were harmful to the skin and increased your risk of getting cancer, it looked like they might fall out of fashion completely. But the companies that make tanning booths came up with a solution, or so they said. They claimed that the harmful bit was the UVB rays or ‘sunburn’ rays as they called them. They claimed by filtering them out, they’d made the tanning beds completely safe again. It would be great if that were true, but it’s nonsense. There are still UVA rays that aren’t being filtered out and they penetrate the skin and increase your risk of cancer still. So why not just filter out the UVA rays? That doesn’t leave much left and you wouldn’t get a tan if you did. To cut a long story short, there is no safe way to use a tanning bed at the moment, regardless of what you might have heard.


Everybody gets blackheads, that’s not the myth. But when you think you see blackheads it could actually be something different. On your nose, you get something called sebaceous filaments. They’re hair like structures that cause a build up of oils in your pores. They look very similar to blackheads but the color is usually a lot paler. Sebaceous filaments exist for a reason; to moisturize your skin. If you’re wondering how to get rid of sebaceous filaments, you need to be careful. They are actually a natural part of the skin and you don’t want to get rid of them completely. Exfoliating regularly will help to stop build up of oils.

The problem is, most people mistake them for blackheads and start using treatments to get rid of them. It becomes a vicious cycle because you cause yourself more skin problems by getting rid of them. You should use treatments sparingly to make sure that you’re not drying out your skin.

Popping Pimples

Whenever you get a spot or a pimple, the natural reaction is to pop it. That’s what everybody does because you need to get the pus out of the pimple to make it heal, or so the myth goes. In reality, popping the spot does way more harm than good. Some of the pus is going to come out when you pop it, but the majority actually goes in deeper. That can lead to scarring and most of the time, you’ll get another spot pop up nearby in just a few days. While it might not look great, it’s better to leave the spot to dry out naturally instead of picking away at it. But if you’re absolutely set on getting rid of it, don’t just burst it. You can buy a specific product called a comedone extractor that does it without pushing any of the pus further in.


Microdermabrasion is one of those buzzwords that’s way fancier than it sounds. All it really boils down to is gently scrubbing the top layer of your skin off. The thinking behind it is that you clear off all of that dead skin on the top layer, leaving the healthy new skin underneath. The reality is actually quite different. When you scrub too hard, you take off a lot of the protective oils on your skin, increasing the chance of it drying out. You’re far more likely to suffer with acne if you’ve taken away all of the protection on your skin as well. When you’re washing your face, you should be gentle with your skin so you aren’t taking whole layers off it, and normal soap is just fine.

Expensive Products


The price variations in skin products are pretty massive. You can get some cheap non-branded stuff for just a few dollars, but the most expensive stuff can exceed a hundred dollars for a small tube. Surely that expensive stuff must contain a load of crazy ingredients that work wonders on your skin? Otherwise, they wouldn’t sell it for so much, surely? Actually, it’s all clever marketing. The ingredients in most anti aging and other skin products are basically the same, whether you buy the cheap brands or the ridiculously expensive ones. That’s not to say the expensive ones don’t work well, but you can usually get the exact same thing for a fraction of the price.


Laser skin treatments are the latest thing in skin care. They’re marketed as a miracle tool that can make you look years younger in just a few treatments. Lasers are easy to market in this way because most people don’t know much about them and they seem futuristic. Unfortunately, they aren’t quite as amazing as everybody thinks they are. The technology is improving and the results from some laser treatments are good, but you need to manage your expectations about what they can do for you. They can help with sun spots and wrinkles but they aren’t going to undo years of damage. Too many people spend years doing damage to their skin and then expect laser treatments to be a quick fix but that’s not the case at all.

These myths are doing some serious damage to your skin so the sooner you stop believing them, the sooner you’ll get the results that you’re after.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

5 Ways to Protect Your Hair from Damage While Wearing Clip-In Extensions

By Guest Blogger, Diana C.

5 Ways to Protect Your Hair from Damage While Wearing Clip-In Extensions


Clip in hair extensions are an inexpensive and convenient way to add dimension to your hair and to take your appearance to the next level. They’re so easy to insert, remove and style that it’s possible to unintentionally mishandle them and cause damage your own hair in the process.

Protect your hair from damage while wearing clip in hair extensions by doing a few simple things to keep your own hair safe from damage.

Here are just a few things you can do to protect your hair:

  1. Remove clip in extensions carefully

People prefer clip in hair extensions because they are easy to remove but take them out too quickly and you run the risk of taking some of your own hair out with them. Before removing your clip in hair extensions comb or brush your hair smooth and gently separate your hair from the extensions. Create sections in your hair to expose the place where the clip in hair extensions are attached to your hair and gently slide them out of place. Pulling or yanking clip in hair extensions out of your hair or handling them too roughly can cause your hair to break and if done routinely may lead to long term damage.

  1. Choose clip in hair extensions that are lighter in weight

When purchasing clip in hair extensions for regular use go for extensions that weigh less instead of more. Heavier clip in hair extensions have thicker individual strands of hair and are often preferred because they create a greater degree of volume when installed but they can also put stress on your own hair if they are worn daily or even several times per week especially if you have thin or fine hair. Lightweight clip in hair extensions that weigh 120 grams or less put less stress on your hair and can help save your hair from damage.

  1. Eliminate the heat

Frequent use of heat styling tools that are set on high temperatures on clip in hair extensions that are integrated into your hair can cause heat damage and breakage to occur to your own hair. Avoid potential heat related damage to your hair by blow drying, flat ironing or doing other styling with heat styling tools before attaching your clip in hair extensions.

  1. Give your hair a break

Wearing clip in hair extensions all day every day for weeks at a time may take a toll on the health of your own hair. Keep your hair in excellent shape by giving your hair a rest. Wear your hair in flattering braids, twists or upswept hair styles on days when you’re giving your clip in hair extensions a break.


  1. Avoid sleeping in your clip in hair extensions

If you fall asleep in your clip in hair extensions you run the risk of getting your extensions tangled during the night or pulling at them while sleeping. Removing your clip in extensions before going to bed at night is highly recommended but if you can’t secure them with a satin bonnet or scarf to keep them in place.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

5 Best Wig Styling Tips Ever!

By Guest Blogger Beth M.

5 Best Wig Styling Tips Ever!

Whether you have bought an expensive human hair wig or you have a synthetic one! If you would like to make your wig look promising and real, let me clear this fact to you that it’s all about right styling and having the right tricks to do it up your sleeve.

For now if you can’t have a crash course on wig styling, here are some great ideas on how to tailor a wig! Here is exactly what you need to do, real or synthetic:

  1. Where to Shop?

If you are someone who wants to try a wig on an occasion like Halloween or some other event, you should shop for your wig at a hair store. Don’t buy your wig from a costume store. Whether it’s a seasonal pop-up or it just a usual need, costume shops always overcharge for wigs. Beauty supply stores and hair stores are best to get a nice quality wig at a fine price.


  1. Trim the Wig. Wigs are easy to cut and trim. You must wear your wig while having it trimmed or cut by a wig stylist. Some people do use styling heads for this purpose but then you won’t have an idea of the shape which should best suit your face cut. Wear the wig and make sure it’s synced up with your ears and face when its cut.


  1. Dye it a different color. If you’re planning on buying a wig and having a colorist color it, look for one with natural hair fibers–you will also be able to heat style natural hair versus burning a synthetic wig,” explains Bb.colorist Luis Ayala. You must buy a natural human hair wig if you want to dye it later.


  1. Don’t use just any hair brush! If your wig is tangled, don’t go brushing it with just any kind of brush. To lightly detangle, look to a wide-tooth wet brush, which will be most soft. There are special wig combs specifically designed for wig styling, you may use them.


  1. Use a Styling head A styling head is a great help in saving your time with trying new hairstyle. You can always try a new hairstyle on a styling head. If you want to wear hair band or any hair accessory you can also try it out. It really gives you time to wear the right kind of hair do on a particular party or event.

One general wig styling tip that you must remember is that always spray wig hair products 12 inches away from your wig. If you will spray a product in your wig hair close than that you might damage your wig. If you have a synthetic hair wig, don’t use heat or steam on it you will destroy the hair fibers completely. If you want to straighten or curl your wig, make sure it’s a human hair wig.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Hope you liked this article! If you have more wig styling tips in mind, do comment below.

Author Bio:

This post was written by Beth Martel. She is a mother of two, a medical professional and a humanitarian. She writes about health, beauty and fitness regularly. Check her post on wig combs.