Category Archives: BEAUTY

Cosmetic Surgery Facts for Total Newbies

By Guest Blogger, Jenny H.

Cosmetic Surgery Facts for Total Newbies

Last year, 17.5 million Americans made the decision to get plastic surgery, according to ASPS (American Society of Plastic Surgeons) data. Minimally-invasive plastic surgery procedures, which require less recovery downtime, have increased in popularity by a whopping 200 percent. Women who are cosmetic surgery newbies will benefit from learning some interesting facts about plastic surgery, such as which procedures are the most popular, how much these procedures typically cost and what the benefits and risks of cosmetic surgery are. This guide is packed with useful facts which will help ladies to get answers to all of the plastic surgery questions that they’ve been afraid to ask.

Which procedures are hot right now?

Breast augmentations, liposuction and nose jobs (rhinoplasties) are the most popular forms of invasive plastic surgery in the USA. Botox is the most popular minimally-invasive form of cosmetic surgery for Americans. According to, breast augmentations are performed using saline or silicone implants. To avoid the cartoonish look of oversized implants (let’s call it the “Stormy Daniels effect”), women should choose implant sizes which are in scale to their body types. Liposuction is the process of removing fatty deposits with a special tool called a cannula. Nose jobs alter the bridges and/or tips of noses to give them a more refined appearance. Botox is injected into expression lines to smooth them out, by paralyzing underlying muscles. When Botox is used in moderation, there’s no “Cat Lady” look!

How much do these procedures cost?

Hollywood actresses and fashion models have a lot of cash to drop on plastic surgery. Women who don’t get massive paychecks need to worry about money. Breast augmentations have an average price tag of $6,325 USD, based on data from Liposuction has an average cost of $6,025 and nose reshaping generally costs around $7,475. One session of Botox injections will set a woman back about $550. Women who want the Hollywood look are willing to invest in themselves by paying big bucks for procedures. Many experience surges in self-esteem when they change their body parts or smooth out wrinkled complexions, or both.

What are the benefits and risks?

According to, invasive plastic surgery provides long-lasting benefits, but may trigger complications, including scarring. Also, invasive plastic surgery may not be right for women with certain pre-existing health issues, such as diabetes. Minimally-invasive plastic surgery offers benefits that are typically temporary. Most ladies who get Botox for wrinkle reduction access results that last from three to six months. Botox may cause drooping eyelids and/or bruising at and around the injection site.

Is plastic surgery a smart choice?

Every woman is different. For some ladies, plastic surgery is empowering. It gives them the capacity to look the way that they want to look. Women who already like themselves, but want some changes to their appearance, are ideal candidates for plastic surgery. Ladies who read fashion mags and watch TV and movies already know that most of their favorite models and actresses have had a little (or a lot) of help to look the way that they do. Women who want the Hollywood look may find that plastic surgery is a smart choice.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

5 Things You Can Do to Feel Better about Yourself

By Guest Blogger, Rebecca B.

5 Things You Can Do to Feel Better about Yourself

We can’t always feel our best or be at our best. But in order to live a happier and more stress-free life, there are certain things you can do to help the tough times flow by faster.

Exercise More

Did you know that exercise actually makes you happy? While doing your workout, your brain recognises the activity as stress, which is why it releases endorphins which are also known as the hormones of happiness. And the more you “torture” your body with exercise, the happier you are afterwards! You can even get hooked on your daily workout and it is probably the best addiction you can develop. There is a long list of benefits including a healthier heart, lower blood sugar levels, a slimmer figure, a sense of achievement, better mental health, to name but a few.

Most people find it hard to endure a certain type of exercise. We tend to give up for all sorts of reasons: it is too hard, we don’t have the time, it is more fun to do other things or we simply get bored of repeating the same drill over and over again. You can solve this problem by changing the type of workout you do. Combine different activities such as running, cycling, swimming and going to the gym. Or try out some fun new ways to keep fit such as power yoga, pilates, kickboxing or even dancing.

Enjoy a Long Walk by Yourself

If you want a quick fix for your body and soul, then go outside and take a stroll by yourself! Did you know you can spend a lot of calories just by walking? In one hour, you can burn about 200 calories, which is one snack. And just being outside alone and enjoying the fresh air will help you clear your mind and forget about anything that was previously bothering you. Beautiful scenery will help you even more, so go to a park, forest, river bank or simply stroll along quiet streets.

But what if it is too hot, too cold, too windy or too rainy outside? Then you can walk at home! All you need is a few square meters and a step counter. You can play the music you like or even watch a movie! And if you need extra motivation, find walk at home videos online.

Eat Healthy

Changing your eating habits can also help you feel better about yourself. If you want to lose weight, start counting calories. You can download an app to help you monitor what you eat and achieve your goals. You should also carefully choose the food you eat. Read the labels and avoid products which contain additives, artificial sweeteners, nitrites, nitrates, and other nasties.

You should also try to eat more organic food and cook your meals from scratch. Instead of buying a pasta sauce or mayonnaise, why not make them yourself. Fresh, healthy food tastes better anyway! Whenever you can, cook your meals, because it can be so rewarding. And if you don’t have time to do that, buy healthy, quality ingredients which can be tossed together and prepared quickly, or order food from trusty restaurants.

Have a Cosmetic Procedure

Not happy with your looks? Why not treat yourself with a cosmetic procedure! If you need a small boost, try one of the non-surgical treatments such as lip enhancement, face fillers, acne treatment or laser hair removal. Perhaps you have a tattoo you are no longer happy about? That can be fixed too!

Cosmetic surgery is nothing to be ashamed of if it can actually improve your overall wellbeing. A small intervention can boost your confidence and let you embrace new opportunities in life easier. In some cases, it can even improve your mental health!

Have a Pampering Session


And occasionally spoil yourself with a pampering session! Book a treatment at a beauty salon to fix your brows, get a wax or have your nails done. It will make you feel so much better about yourself! Or even go to a spa and enjoy a massage, an indulgent cosmetic treatment, a sauna or an energetic swim in the pool. It is a great idea for a girly outing with your bestie!

Alternatively, stay at home and dedicate an evening to yourself. Light up your favourite candles, make a bubble bath, put a rejuvenating mask on your face, do a scrub and use your most loved lotions and potions. Then tuck yourself in comfy pajamas and watch a series you are hooked on. It is one of the best ways to end the day and fill yourself with positive energy.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

15 Herbal Beauty Tips For Glowing Skin

By Guest Blogger, Amanda S.

15 Herbal Beauty Tips For Glowing Skin

Неаlthу-lооkіng skіn іs а dеsіrе thаt аll wе wоmеn suffеr frоm! Ѕuсh іs оur mаdnеss thаt wе trу еvеrу рrоduсt thаt сlаіms tо gіvе us glоwіng skіn. Wе соmрlеtеlу іgnоrе thе fасt thаt glоwіng іs аn іndісаtіоn оf оur skіn bеіng hеаlthу. Аnd hеаlthу skіn іs thе оnlу surе lаstіng wау tо hаvе glоwіng skіn. Расkаgеd рrоduсts wоrk оn оur оutwаrd fеаturеs аlоnе аnd thеу сhеmісаllу асtіvе whісh Іs сеrtаіnlу nоt gооd оn thе lоng run.


Ѕо, gо hеrbаl! Тhе hеrbаl bеаutу tірs fоr hеаlthу-lооkіng skіn рrоduсts thаt уоu саn mаkе уоursеlf usіng thе stuff іn уоur kіtсhеn оr уоu саn buу nаturаl bеаutу рrоduсt frоm mаrkеt! Аnd thеу wоrk wоndеrs іn thе lоng run. Lоng-lаstіng rеsults аnd есоnоmісаl, whаt mоrе саn уоu аsk fоr?


Lеt’s bеgіn wіth thе іngrеdіеnts аnd thе fасе masks thаt аrе thе bеst hеrbаl tірs fоr glоwіng skіn thаt уоu саn fіnd.

Тір 1: Grареs:


То аdd glоw tо уоur fасе, tаkе а fеw grареs аnd rub оn уоur fасе. Оr, mаkе іt іntо а mask bу mаshіng thе grареs.


Тір 2: Сuсumbеr Јuісе, Glусеrіnе аnd Rоsе Wаtеr:


Міхіng tоgеthеr сuсumbеr јuісе, glусеrіnе аnd rоsе wаtеr іs vеrу еffесtіvе. Usе іt bеfоrе wаlkіng оut іn thе sun аnd аftеr rеturnіng.


Тір 3: Ѕаndаlwооd, turmеrіс аnd mіlk:


Маkе а fіnе раstе оf sаndаlwооd роwdеr, а lіttlе turmеrіс роwdеr аnd mіlk. Рut оn thіs оn уоur fасе, lеаvе оn fоr а fеw mіnutеs, аnd gеt nаturаl glоw аnd frеshnеss. Тhеrе аrе сеrtаіn nаturаl bеаutу рrоduсts аvаіlаblе іn thе mаrkеt уоu саn usе thаt tоо.


Тір 4: Ноnеу аnd сrеаm:

Міхіng hоnеу аnd сrеаm іs а grеаt wау tо kеер thе skіn sоft аnd hеаlthу-lооkіng, еsресіаllу durіng wіntеrtіmе.


Тір 5: Frеsh mіlk, sаlt аnd lіmе јuісе:


Таkе сеrtаіn аmоunt оf frеsh mіlk; аdd а ріnсh оf sаlt аnd lіttlе lіmе јuісе, іt сlеаnsеs аnd ореns skіn роrеs.


Тір 6: Тоmаtо јuісе:


Тоmаtо ехtrасt, mіхеd wіth lеmоn јuісе hеlрs kеер fасе sоft аnd hеаlthу-lооkіng.


Тір 7: Тurmеrіс роwdеr, whеаt flоur аnd sеsаmе оіl:

Маkе а раstе usіng turmеrіс роwdеr, whеаt flоur аnd sеsаmе оіl. Рut оn thіs оn уоur skіn tо rеmоvе unwаntеd hаіr.


Тір 8: Саbbаgе јuісе аnd hоnеу:


Саbbаgе јuісе whеn mіхеd wіth а lіttlе hоnеу аnd аррlіеd оn fасе рrеvеnts wrіnklеs.


Тір 9: Саrrоt јuісе:


Ѕрrеаd оvеr саrrоt јuісе оn thе fасе dіrесtlу іs а grеаt wау tо gеt nаturаl glоw.


Тір 10: Ноnеу аnd сіnnаmоn роwdеr:


Маkе а раstе wіth 3 роrtіоns оf hоnеу аnd 1 роrtіоn сіnnаmоn роwdеr. Rub іn іt оn ріmрlеs аnd lеаvе іt оvеrnіght. Тhіs shоws а substаntіаl еffесt іn gеt rіd оf ріmрlеs аnd rеduсіng thе sсаrіng.


Тір 11: Grоundnut оіl аnd lіmе јuісе:


Міх а lіttlе grоundnut оіl wіth frеsh lіmе јuісе аnd rub оn fасе tо рrеvеnt ріmрlеs аnd blасkhеаds.


Тір 12: Аlое Vеrа јuісе:


Аррlуіng Аlое Vеrа јuісе оn thе аffесtеd аrеаs hеlрs іn rеduсіng ріgmеntаtіоn mаrks аlоng wіth hуdrаtіng thе skіn.


Тір 13: Ghее аnd glусеrіnе:


А mіх оf ghее аnd glусеrіnе іs а grеаt hоmе-mаdе mоіsturіzеr.


Тір 14: Fullеr’s еаrth (Мultаnі Міttі), Rоsе Реtаls, Νееm, Ноlу Ваsіl аnd Rоsе Wаtеr:


Аррlуіng а раstе usіng multаnіmіttі, rоsе реtаls, nееm lеаvеs роwdеr, bаsіl lеаvеs роwdеr аnd а lіttlе rоsе/lеmоn wаtеr lеаvеs thе skіn hеаlthу аnd shіnіng.


Тір 15: Арrісоts аnd уоgurt:

Міх арrісоts аnd уоgurt tо gеt а smооth раstе. Тhіs іmрrоvеs thе skіn аnd gіvеs а rеnеwеd lооk. Аdd hоnеу tо thе mіхturе іf уоu hаvе drу skіn.


Аll thеsе соntrіbutе tо gооd skіn hеаlth thаt rеsults іn glоwіng skіn! Fоllоw thеsе hеrbаl bеаutу tірs аnd wаtсh уоur сrаvіng mаtеrіаlіzе!

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Find the Perfect Shade. Tips in Action:

By Tia Cristy

Tips in Action: Find The Perfect Shade.
Tired of buying lipstick, getting it home, and it doesn’t work?

The color is all wrong!

The perfect shade of lipstick is out there, it can just be unnerving to find. This tip is the easiest way to match your own personal shade. Whether the color is matte, shimmer, or shine this easy tip can help.

Holding the sample color or tube up to the back of your hand in between the thumb and pointer finger will give you the best area to see if it’s a tone match. If your skin tone doesn’t scream, “ewww!”, then you may have found a match. If your skin tone looks amazing, then you’ve definitely have found a good color that will work for you.

If it’s a sample or product tester, you can rub the color right onto your hand. However, there’s no need to break a seal on a product. That’s just wrong. Holding the color up to the hand should be sufficient. (Please, do not break a seal to test or buy an already broken seal when it comes to makeup.)

The ‘holdup to the back of the hand’ method works with other colors too. Whether it’s makeup, hair color, or clothing, matching your personal skin tone can make or break your look.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Top 3 Skin Tightening Tools for Home Use in 2018

Top 3 Skin Tightening Tools for Home Use in 2018

Skin aging may naturally occur as you get older. Some visible signs of aging include fine lines, wrinkles, dryness, turtleneck, and sagging of the skin.

These could affect your appearance and you may lose a youthful look. However, if you would like to improve your appearance and remedy these skin problems, you could use the following beauty tools that are found to rejuvenate and tighten your skin.  They could effectively prevent the visible signs of aging.


Top 3 Best Skin Tightening Tools

#1 – Signstek Portable High-Frequency Tightening Machine

The next beauty gadget on our list is the Signstek Portable High-Frequency Tightening Machine, which could firm the skin and reduce fine lines and wrinkles with its four treatment methods.

These methods involve high-frequency treatments that apply electrodes on the skin. These include the direct high frequency, indirect high frequency, hair care method, and the spark method.

The direct high frequency is suitable for those with greasy nature skin. Meanwhile, the indirect high frequency treats the dry and aged skin.

In addition, Signstek Portable High-Frequency Tightening Machine comes with four tubes namely the mushroom tube, tongue tube, bend tube, and comb tube. The mushroom tube could treat a broad area of your skin and tongue tube is for sensitive areas like dark circles under the eyes. Meanwhile, the bend tube is for spot areas. Besides these functions, this tool could also prevent hair loss and diminish dandruff by using the comb tube.

This skin tightening device could also expedite blood circulation and diminish acne and pimples. It also enhances the skin complexion.

What We Liked What We Didn’t Like
·       Prevents visible signs of aging

·       Treats acne and other skin problems

·       Enhances skin texture

·       Prevents hair loss



·       Quite a problem with fitting accessories



#2 – Vijuve for Wrinkles Removal and Facial Skin Tightening

Our next beauty device for this roundup is the Vijuve for Wrinkles Removal and Facial Skin Tightening, which is an anti-aging machine. It could diminish sagging skin, puffy eyes, dark circles, fine lines and wrinkles around your eyes.

This machine has 9,000 vibrations per minute, in which it could generate production of the collagen making the skin firm and elastic. It also enhances blood circulation making your skin radiant and younger.

What we like about this device is that it is suitable for all skin types. Also, it will absorb well your cream and make it more effective in hydrating your skin.

Once the cream and this tool are applied in your skin, it would generate collagen in your skin. It will also make your skin glow and fresh by removing the dark circles under your eyes.


What We Liked What We Didn’t Like
·       Reduces wrinkles and fine lines

·       Diminishes dark spots

·       Generates collagen production

·       Promotes blood circulation in your skin


·       No charging



#3 – Suyanmei RF Jade Skin Rejuvenation Massager

The last recommended skin tightening tools is the Suyanmei RF Jade Skin Rejuvenation Massager. What is best with this beauty device is that it is equipped and run with radio frequency energy and jade technology.

The radio frequency energy is known to enhance collagen and elastin production in the skin. The collagen and elastin provide structure and contour on the face making it firm and elastic. The effects of radio frequency energy could inhibit your skin to look plump and sag.

Meanwhile, the natural jade in this massager promotes healing in the skin. The heat from jade penetrates to the skin of about 2 to 3 inches then enhances the blood circulation in the skin. Also, it accelerates the cell metabolism.

In addition, the Suyanmei ( RF Jade Skin Rejuvenation has three functions that could be designated in three light colors. First, it has a red-light treatment that treats wrinkles and increases the production of the collagen and elastin in the skin.

Second, is the green light treatment that could treat dark spots or any skin discoloration. This treatment inhibits the generation of melanin, which causes dark spots in the skin. It also has a blue light treatment that treats acne and oily skin.

This tool could also penetrate deeply into the skin and cleanse and remove the dead skin cells. It also removes excess sebum that clogged pores and causes acne.

It is easy to use and very portable. It could not only be applied in the face but also in the neck and body too. It also comes with natural jade that when rolled to skin, it could promote circulation, lymphatic drainage and detox the skin.


What We Liked What We Didn’t Like
·       Rejuvenates the skin effectively

·       Prevents signs of aging such as lines and wrinkles

·       Could be used in the face, neck, and body

·       Equipped with Jade Technology

·       Nothing



The Bottom Line

Skin aging could be prevented with the above skin tightening tools that are found to be reliable in making your skin firm and elastic, preventing and minimizing the visible signs of aging such as fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging of your skin. Also, keep in mind to read further instructions on how to use these skin tightening tools to make them more effective and prevent any skin damage.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.