Stressful Life Events and How to Deal with Them

By Guest Blogger, Diana S.

Stressful Life Events and How to Deal with Them


We all wish our lives were smooth sailing, with little to no turbulence and with all of our loved ones by our side. Very few people actually like big changes, especially if the changes stem from something negative. But, life isn’t perfect, and there will be times in your life when you will be stressed beyond your limits and you will feel like things are falling apart. Here’s how to recognize some of the most stressful events in life and how to deal with them in a healthy way:


When you marry someone, you promise you’ll be with them forever. However, people change, and sometimes – they grow apart. Not everyone who falls out of love gets divorced, but it is perfectly okay if you do. Divorce happens, especially if the people married very young, if their marriage was arranged or if it was made because of other circumstances than love. Still, the divorce itself isn’t the most stressful part: everything that goes along with it is. Getting a divorce usually means one person moving away, splitting all of your belongings and sharing custody of your children. If a marriage ends badly, it can lead to nasty lawsuits and years of bad blood until everything settles down, with the majority of the conflict, unfortunately, being absorbed by the children. If you want your divorce to be as stress-free as possible, make sure that you both act civil. It happens, people fall out of love, and whatever the reason for the divorce is, you can settle it in a calm manner. Your nerves aren’t worth that couch you want. However, if one side feels they are being damaged, they should express clearly why they feel that way and contact a lawyer.

Moving house

Sometimes, life forces you to uproot your whole life and family and move them to a new place entirely. If you’re moving out of necessity, because you’ve gotten a job offer in Australia that you just have to take, there isn’t much you can do but make the move as painless as possible. This will, once again, be the hardest on the kids. If they are in school and they have friends and activities that they love, you will have to make sure you make the transition easy for them. Hire a local furniture removalist in Melbourne, get the house prepared before you even get there and make sure the kids’ rooms are all done up. Contact the schools and local sports and art centers to make sure they have a place to do their favorite activities in, and if you know any people there with kids of similar ages, make sure you start having dinners together as soon as possible. Most importantly, make sure you explain to your kids why you’re moving. If they understand that this is something that has to be done, and if you get them excited about the new opportunities in their new home, it will make it much easier for everyone.

Death of a loved one

There is really nothing as tragic as losing someone you love, especially if they were someone who were close to you and with whom you spent a lot of time. It can be a big shock but it is an inevitable change which you won’t be able to avoid. When a loved one passes away, it’s important to give yourself the time and space to grieve. It’s okay to cry, it’s okay to be upset and it’s okay to need time alone. You might feel better surrounded by family and friends, but there will be time when you will need to close the door and have a cry by yourself. It’s important that you eventually accept their passing and remember your loved ones by honoring some traditions they loved.


Life can get stressful, and that’s why it’s important to have a support network around you, one that will make sure you have someone to lean on when things get hard. Remember, the most important thing we have in the world are the people around us, so always keep them close.

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