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Prevention, Tips and Remedy is what you find when you read Tips from Tia. Tia is Radio personality, with tons of answers and tips on Organic Beauty, Health, Life, Home and Sex.; a place where you can trust the tip you're given, and not rely on a dozen different answers. Some Tips are decades old, and all I can say is it may be your grandmother's tip,but with more appeal! a source you can trust. Remember, looking good; feeling good.

What is the benefits of owning an Air Purifier in your child’s room?

By Guest Blogger Denis L.

What is the benefits of owning an Air Purifier in your child’s room?



Protecting your children and grandchildren is a parent’s ultimate responsibility and is important especially these days.  We want healthy, happy, thriving children and focus our efforts in assuring that they have everything that they need to succeed.  Air Purifiers take the air that we breathe and make sure that it is the best it can be for you and your kids who can be more susceptible to airborne based pathogens giving you added peace of mind that you’re doing everything that you need to keep you and your family safe and breathing easily.

So, what’s the big deal about an air purifier and why do you need it?  Well, the main thing that they do is to scrub the air and remove airborne pathogens, dust, and bacteria that may be flying through the air of your home you not even know it.  Just like the air outside, air in your home may be littered with nasty microscopic bugs trying to get your children sick, and we can’t have that, can we?  An air purifier will remove these and other pesky pollutants to decrease the number of bad particles in the air to help your children breathe and remain healthy by increasing the air quality in your home.

For newborn (and especially premature) babies, air quality is essential in the early development of the lungs.  You want to ensure that the best possible environment is created to ease your child from the sterile environment of the hospital to your home.  Pet dander and second-hand smoke are especially harmful to babies and an air purifier removes these from the air with ease.  Though you may not be a smoker yourself, second-hand smoke can lead to developmental defects and links have now been shown to cause lung issues and asthma well into adulthood, if not your child’s entire life.  Removing the dander (for cats or dogs) and smoke from your home, as well as any other pollutants, creates an environment for your child to thrive.  We recommend that if you smoke, or have a family member that does, or have pets in the home that you get an air purifier as soon as possible.

When it comes to air purifiers, there are many options for those considering purchasing one.  Choosing the correct one for you and your family will depend on a few important factors.  The main factor to take into consideration is the size of area you’re trying to purify.  It may make sense to put one only in your child’s room, but it would only be effective while they’re in their room.  How much time does your child spend there over time spent in the rest of the house?  Room purifiers can handle anywhere between 200-500 square feet on average depending on the model.  Getting an air purifier that covers the whole house is a much better option not only for you children, but for your whole family as well to benefit from having an air purifier.  These purifiers mostly attach to the main heating or cooling system of your home and ensure that the whole home has clean air to breathe.

After you’ve chosen the appropriate size of air purifier for your needs you’ll need to choose an appropriate brand to make the best decision for you and your family.  Each brand’s purifiers are configured differently so keep this in mind when making your decision.  Is the filter reusable or does it need to be purchased each year and if that’s the case, how expensive is it?  This should be taken into consideration with the price of the purifier itself to compare prices between brands.  There are even some purifiers that don’t need filters, but could be more expensive initially.  Taking the time to weigh these options with the appropriate maintenance fees for later use will allow you to make an informed decision and ensure that you can keep this air purifier running all year to ensure that your family is as healthy as possible.

Also take into consideration you own unique circumstances.  Do you have problems with second hand smoke or pet dander?  Some brands specialize in one or the other (and some do specialize in both) so taking this into consideration will make sure that your air purifier works best for your home.  All air purifiers clean the air, it’s just what specifically would work best for your family in your particular situation.

The new focus on air quality aligns with the popularity of air purifiers.  From checking air quality levels on our phones to it being a regular part of newscasts now, people are more aware of the air they breathe.  Air quality is important outside the home, why not inside as well?  Everyone benefits from having an air purifier from: elderly, newborns, asthma sufferers, and the normal everyday person with not health or respiratory problems.

One of the best things about the air purifiers today is that they’re not huge, bulky units that take up a ton of floor space.  They are compact and can easily be moved from room to room.  Depending on your circumstances you may even have yours be portable and take to work or on vacation to a cabin or hotel.  They are normally light weight and make transportation super easy.  These small portable types are even powerful enough to purify your whole home’s air making these great, sensible options with the ease of still being portable if needed.  This is also really important if you’re planning to move so you can take your air purifier with you when you leave!

Any purifier that you purchase will come with a HEPA Air Purifier Filter.  A HEPA filter is a high-efficiency particular air filter that can remove more than 99% of dust particles making a significant improvement in the air quality of your home.  HEPA is specifically targeted for those have respiratory issues such as Emphysema, COPD, and asthma and can even help children and young people reduce their likelihood of contracting these later in life as adults.  HEPA filters also ease symptoms for those with respiratory issues like asthma by alleviating almost all the dust that accumulates in your home.

Dogs are a man’s best friend but can definitely affect the air quality in your home with dander and pet smells.  The air purifier is your best kept secret weapon to have pets in the homes but not the smells or dander that comes along with them.  This can help you make the decision to enrich your family’s lives by getting a pet also or increasing your air quality with your favorite pooch that you already have.  Plus, even if you don’t bathe them up a regular basis (or semi-regular we won’t judge), you will still have nice, pure air to breathe so friends and family won’t even know!  How great is that?

Purchasing an air purifier also doesn’t have to break the bank.  While the ones that purify your whole home are obviously more expensive, anything is better than nothing.  Take the time to research which air purifier would work best in your situation whether you’re looking for the whole home purifier or just for a room.  There are reputable companies online and a ton of review sites that place them side by side for easy comparison.  You’ll know which works best when taking into consideration the price, specialty of dander, smoke, or both; and the filter options.  Plus, the manufacturers understand that it will become part of your home décor and are more visually pleasing than previously years with many different size and color options.  Some even have LED lights and menus.  Any air purifier that you purchase will become a valued part of your home and a stylish addition as well.

To review, we definitely recommend a whole home air purifier over a one or two-room models.  There are even ones that best humidifier for babies rooms and their susceptible respiratory systems.  These are especially beneficial for young children or those born premature to help them thrive.  Take care of yourself and family by taking control of the air you breathe in your home and make the best decision for your budget.  Your family, your friends, your pets, and houseguests will all appreciate the investment you made in their health and increasing the air quality where you’re at most, your home!

 Source: The Soothing Air


Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram

All You Need To Know About How To Fix Dry Scalp

By Guest Blogger Paula R.

All You Need To Know About How To Fix Dry Scalp

What should we do when a sudden outbreak of white flake and intolerable itchiness happen to your scalp? Most people give no second thoughts that it must be dandruff, and go straight online for the best anti-dandruff shampoo. However, there is another quite similar condition that people are often confused with dandruff, which is the dry scalp.

In this article, I want to share with you the difference between these two conditions and how to fix dry scalp for good.

How can you tell what the problem with your hair is?

Dandruff is usually present throughout the year. Meanwhile, dry scalp appears when the weather is dry and cold. The difference in temperature will make the scalp difficult to regulate and maintain moisture.

Dry scabs are usually smaller than dandruff scabs, but its irritability is no less than that of dandruff. Sufferers might also feel that their scalp is severely stretched if they could not fix dry scalp conditions sooner.

What are the causes of the dry scalp?

In ordinary people, the scalp will remove 30,000 to 40,000 dead skin cells a day. The sebaceous glands cannot produce enough sebum to supply the skin and hair is the direct cause of dry scalp.  These factors might result in the inhibition of oil production for the hair:

  • Exposure to dirty water
  • Poor diet
  • Hair damage by the weather, especially in the winter
  • Misuse of cosmetics and gels for styling
  • Inappropriate hair care and treatment
How to fix dry scalp completely

The first step to taking care of dry scalp is to avoid the above and change some of your hair care habits.

1. Use moisturizing oil with natural ingredients

You need to find out the oil and choose the right shampoo. It is best to choose products with natural ingredients and moisturizing effect, which will prevent your hair from drying longer. You can also use a moisturizing cream for your hair. You should use cold water to wash your hair because hot water will make your hair even drier.

2. Avoid hair styling products

Products containing perfume or alcohol can lead to dry scalp. But the most important thing is that you do not give up the habit of using gels, hair sprays or styling creams as they can dry your hair.

3. Use pure essential oils (2-3 times a week)

Coconut oil is always a good candidate for dry hair care, as well as a comprehensive moisturizer for both skin and hair. You can apply coconut oil directly to your hair and scalp, massaging it gently so that the oil is completely absorbed.

Use a soft towel soaked in coconut oil for the hair in an hour. This way also stimulates hair growth. Also, you can combine olive oil with coconut oil to achieve better results.

Moreover, lavender essential oil can moisturize the scalp and hair, helping to increase the elasticity and health of the hair.

4. How to fix dry scalp with natural hair mask
Lemon juice and olive oil


  • A teaspoon of lemon juice
  • Half a cup of small olive oil


  • Wash your hair thoroughly then pat dry it
  • Apply this mixture to your hair, massaging it gently. After that, wrap the hair with a large towel or a hood for about 30 minutes and then wash with warm water.
  • For this method, lemon juice works to remove dandruff. Olive oil nourishes the hair from the inside. Use olive oil with lemon hair should only apply every two weeks, should not be too much abuse. Using the hair styling with olive oil, we can also cycle with a hair treatment method with the following olive oil.

When using olive oil, the natural ingredients available in olive oil such as vitamins A, D, E and especially the antioxidants will cleanse dandruff, itching, moisturizing the hair, helping the hair nourishes the scalp deeply from within, smoothing shimmy hair very quickly.

Honey and Olive Oil


  • Half a cup of olive oil
  • Two teaspoons of honey


  • Pour this mixture and beat them up.
  • Firstly, apply this mixture to the hair right after washing then gently massage the scalp for 3 to 5 minutes. After that make an incubation of hair with a towel to create heat, moisten the deeper, you can also use the hair dryer to create heat outside the towel offline. After 15 – 20 minutes, wash your hair with lukewarm water.

Use this method every two weeks to fix dry scalp and alleviate the itchiness.

Eggs and yogurt


  • 1 egg
  • Two tablespoons of honey
  • Four tablespoons of yogurt
  • A tablespoon of almond oil


Mix this mixture and apply it to your hair and scalp. Eggs are rich in protein and yogurt is a natural moisturizer.  Apply this hair mask once a week for the best results.

The best way to fix dry scalp

Finally, it is always better to keep your scalp stay hydrated rather than struggling with how to fix dry scalp when it happens. These are useful pieces of advice for healthy scalp and hair.

  • Protect your hair from the sun: Contamination with ultraviolet radiation is one of the causes of dry hair, so you should carefully cover your hair when out.
  • Drink plenty of water: You need to consume 2 to 3 liters of water a day, drink plenty early in the morning and less in the evening. Also, remember to avoid alcohol and coffee.
  • Prepare a nutritious diet: Your diet should be diverse with foods such as nuts, eggs, dairy products, and soya, etc. These foods provide iron, zinc, vitamin, omega-3 for a healthy scalp.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.



Natural Ways to Enhance Your Beauty

By, Tia Cristy

Natural Ways to Enhance Your Beauty

Beauty starts internally, there’s no doubt. However, we live in a time with resources, knowledge and technology where if you are unhappy with your physical appearance, you can change it.

If you have the financial means and a sound drive, finding a good doctor to perform surgeries like breast enhancement or procedures like laser therapy to enhance your outer appearance is a good option. Just remember to do your research on the procedure as well as the practice. It might be a quicker result than trying natural remedies, but with the pros there are cons to think of like cost, pain and recovery.

Trying to make yourself look better naturally comes at a cost too. In most cases, the results take time and patience, along with the most important factor… consistency.

And just like the saying goes, beauty is from the inside out, there’s absolute truth in that. Being internally healthy gives a healthier outward appearance.

Be sure to drink a lot of water and eat your vitamins

Drinking eight 8oz. of water on a daily basis is the minimum. Water is in everything we eat and drink. So even if you aren’t hitting the tap or bottle, you are getting some water, but the clear liquid is the best option to make sure you’re getting your daily dose. Water flushes the system. That includes the blood and organs, which when those things are in good shape so is your largest organ… your skin. Once you flush the system, you must restore it with the good stuff… minerals, vitamins and amino acids. You’ll find the best sources for all of these things in veggies and proteins like meats and fish as well as seeds and beans.

Eating the right things won’t just help reshape your figure because you’ll be treating your metabolism well, it also helps the skin look better. Eating specific foods can have bonus benefits, for example eating Fenugreek seeds frequently can stimulate breast enlargement. If you’re trying to lose a few pounds, try foods higher in B-12 to wake up a sluggish system.

Put some light in your life

We all need Vitamin D.  We can get it in a pill or by drinking some milk, but don’t forget the sun gives it to us naturally. I’m all about sunscreen, but studies have shown that we can’t collect Vitamin D from the sun while wearing sunblock. Studies recommend only spending five to ten minutes in the sun without sunblock. Now if you’re planning on spending a lot of time in the sun, you should put sunblock on a half-hour before going outside so it can soak into the skin for the full effect. Your future skin will thank you for it.

Also, another light is repairing skin damage. Red lights are being used to repair damage and stimulate collagen. These red lights can reduce red spots, tighten skin and diminish wrinkles. Skin cells shed by the thousands, so repair is possible, however consistency is key with this as well. But this kind of therapy can help you shed years.

Be Radiant

With a little effort and maintenance, you can change your outward appearance. Remember, you are beautiful. But radiance certainly comes from inside of you and imitates by how you treat others. So be radiant! Treat others well and treat yourself well and you’ll become aware of your outer beauty as a result.

 Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

7 easy ways to get rid of blackheads on cheeks

By Guest Blogger Veronica P.

7 easy ways to get rid of blackheads on cheeks

Blackheads are a skin condition where small bumps appear on your cheeks, your nose or your T – zone due to clogged pores with oil and dead skin cells. It is a mild kind of acne that occurs most popularly in teenager and premenstrual women. Since blackheads can draw attention from others to you, make you feel embarrassed and destroy your image in public, banishing them right away seems to be an urgent issue. There are many different ways to treat blackheads. You can use natural home remedies such as baking soda, honey or turmeric. Alternatively, using several kits that are meant for pore minimizer is another excellent choice. And continue scrolling down as in this article, we will introduce seven easy ways which have been figured out to be quickest and most efficient to remove them away.

Baking Soda

Well, yes. It’s baking soda. It is not only used for baking and in culinary aspects, but the antiseptic contained in baking soda also possesses fantastic exfoliant properties to wash away dead skin cells and excess oil produced in your skin. Also, baking soda is a fantastic contender against those troublesome blackheads. After using baking soda, you will find out your surface is smooth and soft. Moreover, baking soda can neutralize the skin’s pH level to promote the skin produce minor oil.

How to use:

  • Add a tbsp of baking soda with two tablespoons of water and mix them well to create a paste in a ceramic bowl.
  • Apply the mixture/paste on your affected skin and let it sit for 10 minutes
  • Rinse off with warm water
  • Repeat the process once or twice weekly to get rid of dirt and dead skin cells that can clog your pores, which result in blackheads.


Oatmeal is not only a typical breakfast cereal because this nutrient-rich grain is effective at treating different skin conditions especially blackheads and irritated skin. It acts as a gentle cleanser as well as an exfoliant. Also, it can loosen clogged pores which can cause blackheads. It contains high antioxidants as well as anti-inflammatory properties which can significantly soothe irritation, get rid of dead skin cells, and absorb excess oil.

How to use:

  • Take a sufficient amount of oatmeal and cook to cover all your affected skin, ensure that you use clean water since it is free of contaminants.
  • Let the oatmeal to cool down before applying it.
  • Apply the grain to the affected skin and let it sit for 10 minutes before washing with warm water.
  • Repeat the process once on a daily basis to get the best results. You can seek for an excellent face mask that contains oatmeal to apply as well.

Lemon Juice

Lemon consists of AHA – a citric acid which acts as a natural astringent to get rid of dead skin cells which are the culprit of clogging your pores. Lemon juice also contains a high amount of vitamin C that regulates collagen production to improve your skin health and get rid of scarring due to acne as well.

How to use:

  • Wash your face clean with your gentle and natural cleanser.
  • Squeeze half of the lemon to get the juice from an organic lemon and use a cotton ball to dip in the liquid.
  • Gently dab the cotton swab on your affected skin.
  • Let it sit for 10 minutes before washing off with clean water.
  • Alternatively, you can choose to let it sit overnight and wash off again in the morning.
  • Do this once a day to get the best results.


Do you know that cinnamon comprises a high amount of anti-bacterial spice which can be used as an aromatic face mask to get rid of a blackhead? Apart from these incredible properties, cinnamon can eliminate flaky skin and acne, and it can work as a body scrub to achieve more glowing and smoother complexion.

How to use:

  • Mix organic cinnamon powder with honey in the ratio of 1:2 to create a paste.
  • Apply a thin layer of the mixture on your affected skin and let it sit for about 15 minutes.
  • Rinse off with your cleanser and then apply moisturizer on your skin
  • Repeat the process to get the best results.

Green Tea

The antioxidants and vitamin in the green tea can absorb excess oil and mitigate the inflammation in the acne-prone skin and avoid further damage.

How to use:

  • Boil 1 cup of water
  • Steep two bags of green tea for one hour
  • Pour the drink into a glass and cool down to warm water only.
  • Dab the liquid on the affected skin and let it sit for 10 minutes.
  • Wash off with water and apply moisturizers on your skin. Also, if your skin is acne – prone skin, moisturizers play a vital role in how to get rid of acne.
  • Repeat the process once on a daily basis.



Turmeric is not only a unique spice in the culinary aspects, but it is also potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The typical spice can stain skin, therefore, to avoid this problem, you can use Kasturi turmeric which is a non – edible variety.

How to use:

  • Mix a sufficient amount of Kasturi turmeric with water and coconut oil to create a paste
  • Dab it on your affected skin and let it sit for at least 10 minutes.
  • Wash it off with warm water.
  • Repeat the process on a daily basis.


Honey contains antiseptic and antibacterial properties to get rid of blackheads by removing germs and impurities which can clog pores. Moreover, it can work as the natural antiseptic, the antibiotic and antiviral agent that can help to get rid of dirt from the clogged pores of the skin to clean blackheads and tighten and hydrate the pores to attain a brighter complexion.

In case, you develop allergic or sensitive condition to honey, you can use another option to treat blackheads.

How to use:

  • Heat one tbsp of pure honey in a glass jar till it is warm enough to touch.
  • You can put the jar into a bowl of boiling water to get the warm honey
  • Use a cotton swab to dab the warm honey on the affected skin.
  • Let it sit for 10 minutes and remove with a damp cloth.
  • Alternatively, you can let it sit overnight for better outcomes.
  • You can wash it off in the next morning.
  • Repeat the process once on a daily basis.

 Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.

Is Your Kitchen Encouraging A Healthy Lifestyle?

Is Your Kitchen Encouraging A Healthy Lifestyle?

When you are thinking about how your kitchen is designed, you may or may not find that it is conducive to your goal to be healthy. We all want to be as healthy as possible, and ensuring your kitchen is falling in line with that goal might prove to be essential. There are a number of ways in which your kitchen can help or hinder you attempt to be healthy, so it is worth looking at it in as much detail as possible. Without further ado, let’s look at what you can do to make your kitchen help you be healthier.

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The Fruit Bowl

There is psychological research which claims to have found that if you have fruit on display you are more likely to eat more of it. Clearly, eating fruit is always good for you, so finding a prominent place for your fruit bowl is probably going to be a good idea. When your fruit bowl is in a clear spot, you will find yourself eating more fruit and there is no doubt that that will be beneficial for your health. You might even choose to have a veg bowl on display for those vegetables which can survive outside of the refrigerator. Try this and see – you might be surprised at what a difference it makes, and how quickly it makes it.

The Refrigerator

Speaking of the refrigerator, this too will need some attention if you really want to make your kitchen as health-conscious as possible. There is actually much to be said for the choice of refrigerator, and if you are stocking up a new kitchen or revamping an old one, it’s worth spending a little time finding the right one. Good quality sub zero refrigerators are designed so as to avoid cross-contamination. This in turn will mean that your vegetables and so on are much healthier to eat, contain less additional matter, and will also taste much better. Of course, you should endeavor to have sub zero refrigerator repair carried out regularly, so that it remains in the same condition and continues to be useful for this purpose.

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The Atmosphere

If you can work towards an atmosphere which is happy, healthy and joyful, then it is likely that this will make a difference to how you feel about food in general. Attitude is everything: as long as you feel the right way, you will find that it is extremely easy to take the steps that you should be taking. Getting the atmosphere right can be tricky, of course, and it can take some time to perfect it, but it is worth spending that tie doing so, as it will profoundly alter the way that you approach the entire subject. A renovation is a great opportunity to get started on this, but you can do it at any time.

With the above taken care of, your kitchen is much more likely to help rather than hinder your progress towards a healthier you.

Tia, and  is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on Twitter or Instagram.