All posts by Tia

Top Things You Can Do To Stay Healthy This Year

Top Things You Can Do To Stay Healthy This Year

If your new year’s resolution was to be more aware of your health then you may be wondering how you can go about this. There are always many different new articles detailing what is good for you and what you should be avoiding. It isn’t always about cutting out the bad things. You can still enjoy things in moderation. Take a look at the article below to find out more about how you can look after yourself for the rest of the year and onwards. 

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Focus On Your Diet

One of the best things you can do for yourself is to watch what you eat. If you are overindulging in too much junk food, then this can impact your overall health. When it comes to what you eat, your plate should be filled with variety and color. It should include the basic food groups such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, dairy, fruits, and vegetables. If you are unsure of how to fill your plate or need help with portion sizes, then you could speak to a nutritionist who will be able to help. 

If you want to focus more on what you are putting in your body, then there are various diets that you can follow. For instance, you might like the sound of the carnivore diet. You might be wondering, what is the carnivore diet? Well, it’s similar to the paleo and keto diets in that you enjoy more of the foods that your ancestors would have eaten and cut out carbs. 

Get Moving

Exercise and food go hand in hand. If you overeat with very little movement, then you may find your waistline expanding in a direction you don’t want. If you are on the go for a lot of the day, then you will find that you are much healthier compared to not moving much at all. Thanks to covid-19, a lot of the public was struggling to get out and about, so they got used to sitting around all day binge-watching their favorite tv shows. You may also work long hours, so you don’t have the time or energy to fit in a workout when you finish. 

Ideally, you should be exercising for at least 30 minutes each day. This will keep you trim and in peak physical condition. If you would like to lose weight, then there are workouts that you can follow, which are great for this. The key to exercise is finding something you enjoy doing; this means you are more likely to carry it on for longer. If you have problems with your joints, then exercise can be much harder for you. Think of exercises and sports that are easy on the joints, such as swimming or yoga. 

Drink Plenty

Have you heard of the health benefits of drinking plenty of water? It has always been something of a news article when you hear about drinking water and how much you should be drinking. Water has many effects on the human body; it keeps you hydrated throughout the day and night. This can only happen if you drink enough of it, as you are constantly losing water throughout the day. In an ideal world, you should try and drink at least two liters of water each day, and this equates to roughly eight glasses. 

If you struggle with remembering to drink your water, then you might benefit from setting alarms on your technology to remind you. Drinking will prevent dehydration from affecting you. If you find yourself getting headaches and feeling dizzy throughout the day, then this is more than likely because you are not drinking enough. 

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Adequate Sleep

This is one of those headings that is often overlooked. People don’t realize just how much of an impact sleep can have on their health. If you are not getting the desired six to nine hours of sleep each night, then you can be faced with exhaustion and feeling irritable. Of course, it isn’t just about the quantity of sleep you are getting. It is also about the quality; you may be getting nine hours, but are they solid or disturbed? If they are disturbed, then this too could lead to signs of exhaustion setting in. 

If you regularly wake up during the night, ask yourself why this is happening. Are you in pain, or is your mattress uncomfortable? If it is the latter, then you should think about investing in a new mattress. They should be replaced every eight to ten years as they can become lumpy and damaged. This, in turn, means they are not able to support your body while you are sleeping. 

We hope you found this article helpful and that it gave you some useful tips and tricks on how you can look after yourself. There is never a set time to start looking after yourself; the sooner you start, the better it will be for your body and your mind. 

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram.

How To Ensure Your Safety When Biking Outdoors

How To Ensure Your Safety When Biking Outdoors

Biking is a great way to stay physically active and get out into nature. It can also be a great form of transportation for commuting or running errands. While this activity comes with many benefits, there are some precautions you should take to ensure your safety when biking outdoors.

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Wear Protective Gear:

When you’re out on the road, it’s essential to protect yourself from any potential hazards. This means investing in and wearing protective gear like a bike helmet, elbow and knee pads, and reflective clothing.

A good quality bike helmet should fit snugly without being too tight or uncomfortable and cover your forehead to the base of your skull. You should also make sure all protective gear is properly fitted; otherwise, it can be dangerous if it slips off during a crash or falls off while riding.


Stay Visible:

It’s important to stay visible when riding outdoors, especially at night. Wear bright and reflective clothing so that cars are aware of your presence. Use reflectors on your bike and helmet, and add additional lighting on your bike with a headlight and taillight.

You should also be aware of your surroundings when riding in traffic. Be sure to pay attention to signs, signals, and other cars that may be sharing the road with you. You do not want to contact bicycle accident Sevenish Law professionals as a result of your negligence.

Follow the Rules of the Road:

As a cyclist, you’re expected to follow the same rules of the road as drivers. This means obeying traffic signals and signs at all times, riding in the same direction as other vehicles, and not darting out from behind parked cars or buildings.

You should always ride with traffic, never against it. You should also use hand signals when turning so drivers know your intentions. Use your bell or horn to alert pedestrians when necessary. These precautions will help make sure everyone is safe on the roads and sidewalks.


Stay Alert:

It is important to stay alert while biking outdoors, especially when sharing the roads with cars. Be aware of potential hazards like potholes, debris, or pedestrians crossing the street. Keep your head up and look ahead to anticipate any potential dangers.

Staying alert also means avoiding distractions like listening to loud music, texting while biking, or multitasking. These activities can be dangerous and increase your risk of an accident.

Be Prepared:

Before you set out, ensure your bike is in good condition and properly adjusted for your height. You should also carry a repair kit with essentials like tire levers, spare tubes, a pump, and patch kits so that you can quickly address any issues if they arise while riding.

Biking is a great way to enjoy the outdoors and maintain an active lifestyle. However, it’s essential to take the necessary safety precautions, including wearing protective gear, staying visible, following traffic regulations, and remaining alert at all times. With these precautions in mind, you can stay safe while biking outdoors!

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram.

Five Reasons Why Every Family Needs A Dog

Five Reasons Why Every Family Needs A Dog

Dogs are not just your furry best friends – they can bring so much joy, love, and positivity to your life. They bring you comfort during hard times and provide you with unconditional affection. Not only that, but there are many other benefits to having a dog in the family, both physical and mental. Here are five reasons why every family needs a dog in their lives!

#1 Companionship

Having a dog as part of your family will provide you with some of the best companionship out there. Dogs offer unconditional love and loyalty that no other pet can quite match, making them the perfect companion for all kinds of people – young or old, single or married. They don’t judge or criticize; they simply make you feel better when you’re down or lonely. A dog is always there to share life’s adventures with you and will never leave your side, no matter what life throws at you!


Photo by Yogendra  Singh

#2 Exercise

Having a dog around will encourage everyone in the house to get up and get moving! If you have children, this can be an excellent opportunity for them to learn responsibility through taking care of a pet as well as gaining confidence from interacting with other dogs on walks in the park or beach! Taking your pup for regular walks is essential for their health as well as yours – a great way to get some daily exercise into your routine without feeling like it’s a chore.

#3 Protection

Of course, barking alone isn’t enough to ward off all danger; however, it can certainly be enough of a deterrent for any would-be criminals considering targeting your home. Not only that but having a large breed dog around often scares away potential burglars who won’t want to risk being attacked if they break into your property! Dogs are also fantastic protectors against unwanted visitors or intruders – another reason why having one in the home is so beneficial!

#4 Stress Reduction

Spending time with a man’s best friend has significantly reduced stress levels. This makes sense, given that dogs offer unconditional love and compassion – something that humans may not always be able to give depending on their current emotional state. An Australian Cobberdog is especially known for its calm and gentle temperament, making it an ideal breed to have around when you’re feeling overwhelmed. However, you must buy your Australian Cobberdog from a reputable breeder like Ausmate Australian Cobberdog to ensure it is the right fit for your family.

#5 Improved Mental Health

Having an animal companion can help alleviate symptoms of depression, anxiety, and loneliness by providing you with emotional support during difficult times – something you may not receive elsewhere or even know how to ask for sometimes! Pets also promote feelings of self-worth by giving you purpose through caring for them while also providing unconditional friendship, which can help improve your mental health over time. Finally, owning a pet provides owners with an improved sense of mental well-being, which can improve mood and outlook on life.


All in all, it is clear that owning a pet offers countless benefits both physically and mentally – making it easy to see why every family should consider getting one if possible! From providing companionship through thick and thin to help reduce stress levels and improve mental health outcomes, dogs really do make amazing additions to any household looking for extra love and affection in their lives!

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram.

Making The Right College Choice For Your Future

Making The Right College Choice For Your Future

If you are thinking about your career path in the future, then you might be leaning toward attending college. If you need to get a degree under your belt, then this can only be done at a university or college. Take a look below to find out more about making the right choices for your future. 

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Explore The Staff 

When the time comes for you to look at colleges, then you can always take a look at the staff members to help you decide if it is right for you. Based on the level of qualifications and teaching experience the staff have, you will be able to make an informed decision. Amazing staff members such as Richard Hansen Dean can frequent universities and teach you wonderful things. Some of the best universities and colleges can have bad staff members where the teaching level and pass rate is low. If you want the best for your future, then be sure to check out this section on their website. 


Think About Courses

This is where you need to think about what you want to do in the future. The courses you need to study will all depend on what you want to become. For instance, if you want to become a doctor, then you will need a college or university that offers medical courses. It can be tricky knowing what you want to be at a young age but think about it, and you may come up with something. Think about what skills you currently have and whether you can use these for any career path. 

Consider Location 

Next, you should think about the location of your college that you want to attend for a course or degree. There are countless colleges that you can consider attending. Some are in more favorable locations compared to others. It all depends on the type of experience that you are looking for and what you are interested in. You might also want to consider attending a college that has good business links. This will ensure that it’s easier for you to access career opportunities and guarantee that you don’t leave college with a resume that is too green. 

Don’t Forget Cost

Finally, you need to make sure that you are thinking about the cost. You’ll always need to pay money to enhance your career. The best courses will always have a high price tag attached to them. You just need to make sure that the money you’re paying fits into your overall budget. Alternatively, if you are planning to borrow the money, then you should ensure that the requirements of the loan are suitable and that you will be able to afford to pay it back. If the cost of the course is expensive, then you should also consider this against the value or benefits it may provide. For instance, it could provide access to greater, higher-paid positions. If that’s the case, then this is going to be worth it. 


We hope this helps you understand some of the key steps to ensure that you are making the right college choice for your future. 

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram

7 Successful Steps to Start Accomplishing Your Goals

7 Successful Steps to Start Accomplishing Your Goals

Most of this article is about understanding that there are the 3 enemies that try to stop us from achieving our goals in this world. Everyone, regardless of their level of success, will experience procrastination, stress, and self-sabotage at some point.

These feelings are a normal part of being human, but it’s important to remember that we all go through them, and it’s okay to feel them. However, the purpose is to get past these enemies so we can reach our goals. Here are 7 successful steps to start accomplishing your goals.

If you are detailed, analytical, and logical or simply sick of falling short of your goals, please read on.

1. Understanding Goals:

Hands up, if you think ‘Settings goals’ is hard.

You’re not alone.

It’s generally from a goal we set out to achieve or haven’t achieved in a while but want to. That’s when it feels challenging or downright overwhelming. So, to eliminate the hardship, it’s important to first understand Goals.

Anyone can write a few goals on paper. But the problem is, we think that the process of ‘setting goals’ is what is going to make us happy. Instead, what we are really saying to ourselves is that we won’t be happy until we have reached it.

Tripped you up, didn’t I?

Stay with me!

(Btw….there is a Downloadable Exercise Pdf at the end for those wanting to do Goals a better way – FREE!)

If you have had the same goal for years, for example, losing 10 kilos or pounds, chances are you think setting the goal to do it is the part that is going to make you happy. However, in reality, until you successfully reach the goal, they are just words on paper.

So, by definition, you are giving away your ‘happiness’ to something that may or may not happen in the future.

That’s a lot of pressure.

Therefore ‘goal setting’ is coupled with nervousness, fear, and excitement.

So, I’m not saying don’t write goals down; I’m saying write them all down when it comes to reaching professional and personal goals. And then, be satisfied with the first step because you took the time to figure out what is meaningful to you.

Next, we’ll look at the fundamental flaws trying to hold all of us back before we tackle how to overcome them.

2.    Fundamental Flaw #1:

What’s wrong with ‘I will be happy when I lose 10 kilos….’?

Because the result isn’t instant; it’s way off in the future and we are not built to have lasting discomfort/ Our mind is designed to keep us safe at all times!

Here’s the perfect example when trying to lose weight:

Instant Discomfort: eating less immediately. However, feeling better and looking slim isn’t going to show up for weeks or months.

So, we want this thing (being slim), but unless the weight is threatening our life, the mind sees it as a vague request, and in the future. So, we might say to ourselves, ‘I’ll do this later on’.

Another example: I’ll be happy when I buy a prestige car at least once in my lifetime!

We see that car everywhere initially, but after a few months, we return to the same emotional point, meaning our happiness, when tied to something external, will rarely last.

That hollowness will sooner or later demand that you understand it and is, in fact, demanding to be understood.



The realization that happiness lies within us, irrespective of where we are, and deep work is needed to uncover it. Move forward knowing that you can choose happiness, so find happiness at each step of your goal journey. Celebrate the smallest of victories and watch your goals get closer.

3.    Fundamental Flaw #2:

With the common example, ‘I will be happy when I pay my house off in the future’, what we really want to know is: Are we capable of maintaining bank payments?

And when we have enough confidence in our capability of achieving that, then not only this worry but other material insecurities will go away.

But how crazy is it that we let our current happiness affect something that will happen 20-30 years from now? We must get it through our heads that enthusiasm wears off so quickly because it is almost always tied to an external item or person.


First off, stop connecting your happiness to objects and others. Next…


In most cases, excitement or superficial willpower last 7 days, in some cases 7 weeks, and in rare cases 7 months or longer. It’s the same concept with happiness tied to an object or person.

It’s time to look within at the real feelings or emotions that makes us behave this way and make positive self-changes.

4.    Fundamental Flaw #3:

Let’s say we keep telling ourselves we need to lose weight for a party or Wedding. The reality is we want to look good in photographs or impress someone that we haven’t seen in a while.

Once the wedding is over, hands up if chocolate or every piece of bread in the house calls your name out loud.

There we are again – Up that creek, in that canoe, without a paddle yet, again!

The truth is, it’s not a highly motivating thing because it is somebody else’s wedding. And our minds know that it’s not life-threatening, so it will fail to maintain the goal.

Why? Because we are looking again externally.

Result – we end up further discouraged, putting weight back on, and we feel more unhappy than ever.


Let’s STOP comparing our worst to other people’s best. (You should probably read that one again)

The real comparison is YOU vs. YOU and becoming better versions of ourselves.

The reality is, you won’t feel better, today, when you pay the house off because it’s 20 years in the future, and the insecurity is within you now. See, IMBALANCE!

STRESS is NOT the ‘activity around or near us’ but the attitude to ‘the reaction to activity around us’…

And the reaction is internal for us.

Bad news, if this is our current state, no matter how shiny your goals are, it will stay like this, leading to the 3 enemies: procrastination, stress, and self-sabotage …unless we do something about it.

The good news, we can change it as we created it. We only need to know the right system.

Find your ‘Why’

We live in a ‘how to’ culture. The only reason we don’t succeed is that we have not found a better method.

‘How to‘ culture ignores the fundamental truth – it ignores our ‘Why’.

‘How to’ will not work because we need to change to become someone else in the future.

Self-sabotage starts because then we feel we can’t do it. So, we forgo the goal and settle for the extra piece of chocolate.

What happens then?

Taste of chocolate lasts: 30 seconds

But the body pays for it for at least 72 hours. (sh&^*est deal on the planet)

But the urge to fail is so strong that we can rarely avoid it. The only move, in this case, would be not to keep chocolate in the pantry.

Then Stress takes over because we failed, and in this example, we worry about putting on too much weight from a single piece of chocolate.

However, the more you turn within, you will uncover the person you need to be and what is driving you. You can figure out what you are feeling so crappy about. That’s when you start to recognize internal drivers. You become empowered.

And when we can say, ‘I like who I am becoming’….and not ‘I am dieting,’ or ‘I will plan for the future, but I will not base my happiness, today, on 20 years from now,’ you already become a different person immediately and not in the future.

5. The 3 Zones

When most of us start on something new (e.g.: learn Spanish), most people start within:

1.       Excitement zone

a.       Last several days to weeks, depending on willpower

2.       Then we enter the ‘Danger Zone’:

a.       this is where the 3 enemies (nasty dream stealers) turn up when enthusiasm wears off:

                                                               i.      Procrastination

                                                             ii.      Stress

                                                           iii.      Self-sabotage

3.       ‘Easy Zone’

  1. Anything we decide to do, i.e., maintain willpower or enter the Danger Zone

Either way, it’s easy to give up and go back to old habits, or it becomes easy to continue with the newly formed habit. I prefer the latter since this is where breakthroughs and magic happen.

Most everything new you will try will lead you to the Danger Zone. What you will feel is:

1.       I am struggling

2.       Not having enough fun

Now we need strategies to keep going. So, start saying, ‘I am enjoying this because I can see who I will become,’ and not feel or say to us, ‘why is this not working?’. It is critically important that we replace ‘ugly’ feelings with ‘let’s keep moving forward’ feelings.

And remain vigilantly healthy while doing this because every mood-altering substance (alcohol, drugs) or activity (inaction) leaves a nasty track later.

Reality check:

What don’t we make into a habit is going to kill us? Brutal? Yes, I didn’t mean that literally, but what I meant was not living fully will take the joy out of our life. It takes time to create a habit. This goes for bad and good habits, so choose wisely.

6.    Understanding the 3 Enemies

And now, we are in a perfect position to understand the 3 enemies and how we can recognize them from afar.


Hands up if you are a gold-level contender for ‘procrastination’ at a national level.

1.       Is your procrastination the result of bad habits or poor time management?

2.       Is your procrastination the result of emotional causes like fear of failure or pressure to succeed, causing you to feel anxious?

3.       Is your procrastination the result of being so relaxed you just live in the moment and ‘go with the flow’?


In what way does it show up in your life?

What beliefs trigger self-sabotage?

What feeling did the self-sabotaging behaviour make go away?

How could you respond in a more appropriate way that would help you get what you want?

What would be better than what are you doing now?

What don’t you want to do?

What’s going to help you, in most cases, is doing what you most likely don’t want to do….that could be the biggest obstacle stopping you from reaching your goals. Did you know that you’d be a long way down the track in resolving the situation if you only did this one thing that you’ve been dreading?


It’s vitally important to understand that stress is 100% self-induced, i.e., Internal.

What are the main stresses in your life right now?

What are the things that you are letting get to you?

What are you doing to make it worse?

What permanent changes are necessary if you are to reach your goals?

Maybe you think it’s a lifestyle change that is probably the only thing that will work if all else has failed over the last 5 or 10 or 15, or 20 years.

7.    Characteristics of the 3 Enemies and Solutions

Characteristics of procrastination, stress, and self-sabotage:

1.       They do not respond to logic! (100% illogical)

2.       You cannot also threaten yourself out of these 3 enemies. Threats don’t work, and neither do promises.

3.       They are compulsive and irresistible (chocolate calling from the pantry).

a.       Hands up if you ate something and if you were eating something, your mind was saying ‘don’t eat it’ but you still did….?

b.       Do urges or emotions win every single time?

Suggested Solutions:

–          For Procrastination: turn inward and continue with willpower

–          For Self-Sabotage: start a mindfulness practice

–          For Stress: start meditation

The good news, now you know what you need to do.

Bad news, it won’t work unless you make it a habit or enlist the services of a Coach to keep you accountable. (Yes, I can help, like I have helped others).


What is procrastination? – Fear of failure (the trigger usually from unaccomplished goals)

Self-sabotage? Fear of success (Need to replace this with something else, that’s the key)

Stress? Low emotional intelligence (taking it personally)

Hands up if YOU are Gold Medal contenders in this category. (I was!)


Have the power over chocolate vs. chocolate having power over you!


Discipline: sometimes takes 6 or 12 months or more but once done….it is set for life!

Now, you don’t need me to tell you that compulsions are running your life, and more than 40% of what we do is habits! If we don’t do something and you have been on this for years, self-loathing only increases.

The longer you take, the harder it gets. The older you get, your energy levels go down, and so on.

[Downloadable Exercise Pdf]     

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram

About the Author:

Gagan Gupta is a Clarity Coach who suffered from sadness, depression, suicidal thoughts, and anxiety after being laid off last year. Gagan ultimately changed his life around, and now his mission is to ‘Save one Gagan at a time’.

Gagan now works with:

People who are either 9-5ers or have been laid-off, unhappy with their current state, want to be empowered and become solopreneurs but are unsure of their passion, next steps, can’t Overcome Self-sabotage, or are unable to find the courage to do so…

Also, Gagan teaches what steps you need to take to pursue your true passion. Gagan himself is living proof as he used the same method on himself to become a successful Clarity Coach!

His full story is on his website (

Schedule a call with Gagan now as he’s offering 5 X FREE 60 min sessions (Valued at $350) to Tips from Tia customers to discuss the solutions provided in this article in detail or any other related topics.

You will receive:

1.      3-5 Simple and Tiny Action Steps that…

2.      You could take 9 am the Next Day to change Your…

3.      Life, Income, and Emotional Wellbeing