All posts by Tia

Get Bikini Ready: A Step-By-Step Guide to Reclaiming Your Pre-Baby Body

Get Bikini Ready: A Step-By-Step Guide to Reclaiming Your Pre-Baby Body

Step-By-Step Guide to Reclaiming Your Pre-Baby Body It’s time to get bikini ready! Giving birth can be an amazing journey, yet sometimes, it leaves us feeling less than confident in ourselves after pregnancy. Don’t despair: With our step-by-step guide on reclaiming your pre-baby physique, we cover everything from nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle tips so you can start on the journey of getting bikini ready in no time! Let’s go!


via Pexels

Focus on Nutrition

It is key to starting off right when trying to regain your pre-baby body. Starting with proper nutrition is key to having a successful fitness journey. Focus on eating whole, unprocessed foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains and drinking plenty of water throughout the day – also, be sure to limit unhealthy foods such as fast food chains with empty calories but no nutrition and limit soda or juice drinks that contain unnecessary calories without much in terms of nutritional benefit. Furthermore, consider cutting portion sizes down so as to only consume just enough energy without overindulging!

Introducing superfoods into your diet can help enhance both health and nutrition even further. Superfoods are foods with an abundance of essential vitamins and minerals per serving – examples include salmon, spinach, blueberries, chia seeds, nuts and avocados as they all offer essential nourishment essential to living an overall healthier lifestyle.

Supplements such as protein powder or multivitamins may help ensure you’re receiving all the nutrients from food alone, and tracking what you eat with apps such as MyFitnessPal makes this simple and straightforward. Once you establish a habit of eating nutritious meals regularly, your journey toward reaching your body goals will begin!

Get Moving

Step two in getting back your pre-baby body is getting active! Exercise can help burn calories and build muscle tone, leading to greater sculpting of your desired physique. Start small – perhaps adding 30 minutes of physical activity like brisk walking around your neighborhood, biking with family or taking fitness classes at your local gym each day – whatever gets you up and moving will quickly improve both physical and mental wellbeing!

If you want something more intense, consider engaging in interval training or high-intensity workouts such as running, swimming or sports – great ways to burn fat while strengthening muscles and improving endurance. If this is new to you, start slowly by starting with low-intensity exercises before gradually increasing them as time progresses and as your comfort increases.

Make Time for Self-Care

Last but not least, take time out for self-care! Reclaiming your pre-baby body takes hard work and dedication – so take time out each day for activities that bring you pleasure, such as reading, writing, or taking a hot bath. In addition, ensure your body gets enough rest so it can recover after exercising; get enough restful sleep; practice positive self-talk instead of dwelling on perceived flaws – with these tips in place, you will soon be feeling like the best version of yourself!

Do not forget to celebrate your progress! Acknowledging your hard work and acknowledging how far you have come can serve as motivation to stay on track with reclaiming your pre-baby body is no small task, but all your hard work will pay off when you finally see the results you want!

Consider Cosmetic Procedures When Looking For Solutions

Cosmetic procedures can help people of all ages enhance the appearance of both their bodies and faces, including wrinkles, add volume to skin cells, and improve symmetry. Thanks to modern technology, there is now an array of treatments available such as Vitenas Cosmetic Surgery for those looking to enhance their looks such as Botox/fillers treatments, laser skin resurfacing procedures, fat transfer surgeries, chemical peels, and hair transplants – among many others.

Botox is an injectable treatment frequently used to reduce wrinkles on the face and neck. It works by temporarily blocking nerve signals that trigger muscles to contract and relax, helping reduce deep lines around the eyes or mouth from forming. Fillers are another popular injectable used to add volume to lips or cheeks, as well as help smooth out deep wrinkles around nose and mouth areas.

Laser skin resurfacing treatments use lasers to target damaged or aging skin cells while stimulating collagen production, helping reduce signs of aging such as wrinkles, fine lines, or sun spots. Fat transfers involve extracting fat from one area of the body and injecting it into another, such as facial fullness for extra fullness. Chemical peels remove dead cells from the surface layer of skin, leaving a smoother complexion with reduced wrinkles or discolorations. Finally, hair transplant surgeries move healthy follicles from one part of the scalp into areas where their density has thinned due to genetics or age thinning out.


Seek Professional Advice Now

Professional assistance can be an excellent way to jump-start your journey toward reclaiming your pre-baby body. A qualified professional can equip you with all of the tools and resources necessary to make positive lifestyle changes that support reaching your goals and reclaiming your pre-baby figure. With their knowledge and expertise, they’ll guide each step of this process while providing necessary support.

When searching for the ideal professional to assist with postpartum health and fitness needs, it is crucial that they specialize in postpartum fitness. An experienced practitioner will understand the unique difficulties associated with returning to pre-pregnancy shape after childbirth and have strategies in place that address those specific challenges. They may even provide additional services like nutritional counseling or meal planning, which can speed up your progress faster toward reaching your goals faster.

Professional assistance can help you achieve long-lasting results when it comes to getting back into shape after having a baby. They will offer personalized advice and will serve as an ongoing support system – so if you want to take control of your health and regain your pre-baby body, then consider seeking out someone specializing in postpartum health and wellness today!

Reclaiming your pre-baby body shouldn’t be an overwhelming endeavor. With proper guidance and support, you can achieve lasting results via exercise, diet, cosmetic procedures or professional assistance. So take control of your health today to become the best version of yourself!

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram.

Discovering the Importance of Bones for Health: Exploring Their Roles in Jaw, Hip, and Spine Care

Discovering the Importance of Bones for Health: Exploring Their Roles in Jaw, Hip, and Spine Care

Bones are often forgotten when discussing health and well-being, yet the importance of bones cannot be overstated. Women, in particular, benefit immensely from having strong jawbone, hip bone, and spine structures which keep us upright while still permitting free movement. Furthermore, these crucial skeletal structures reveal much about our overall well-being – something this blog post will discuss further! Here we’ll also learn why maintaining optimal jawbone, hip bone, and spine health matters so much to our overall well-being.

Photo by David Hofmann on Unsplash

The Jawbone

Our jawbones play an invaluable role in our mouths, providing support and stability for both teeth and jaws. Their role becomes especially crucial during chewing and speaking activities, where proper alignment and balance must be maintained for smooth functioning; any problems with them could result in TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorder), which causes pain in the face, neck, or back. Regular dental check-ups are important to maintain healthy jaw structures, as are activities like gum chewing or eating hard foods, which put extra strain on our mouths–all things that will ensure good jaw health over time.

Jawbone Development 

As one of the few bones that continues to develop throughout life, our jawbones can often become weaker with age due to tooth loss, bone density loss, or other factors. To maintain proper development and avoid issues like TMJ, it’s essential that we maintain a healthy lifestyle and diet that support optimal jawbone development – eating protein, calcium, and other essential minerals will ensure healthy development; eating crooked teeth early will also ensure proper jawbone health; Dr. Gallardo is certified in using advanced dental techniques that will straighten them and promote overall jawbone health!


The Hip Bone 

The hip Bone (also referred to as the pelvic bone) is an integral component of our bodies’ skeleton, providing support and movement for our legs as well as organ support, helping us stand upright and move freely. Unfortunately, as we age, osteoporosis can weaken hip bones, increasing the risk for falls and fractures; to combat this, it’s essential that adequate calcium levels and other essential minerals be included in your diet; regular exercises aimed at strengthening hip muscles may also prove effective in strengthening them further.

Hip Bone Development

Our hip bones continue to develop until we reach adulthood, like the jawbone. Regular exercise and healthy nutrition are both key components for the development of strong and healthy hip bones. Activities that put a strain on them–such as running or jumping–may increase injury risks; regular health check-ups allow doctors to detect issues early, helping us take preventive steps for strong and healthy hip bones.

The Spine 

Our spines are essential parts of our bodies, providing support and movement throughout. Additionally, they house our spinal cord and nervous system, which enable communication among all parts of the body for pain-free movement. However, spines can become damaged or weakened over time from age, lifestyle habits, injuries, or simple wear and tear – strong core muscles with regular exercise are important in keeping a healthy spine, as is limiting activities that involve heavy lifting or twisting that could put a strain on it.

Spine Development

Our spine continues to develop until adulthood, and it’s essential that it grows correctly. Proper posture is crucial in this regard; therefore, practice good sitting and standing posture to promote proper spinal development. Furthermore, avoid activities–such as contact sports–that put unnecessary strain on the spine in order to decrease the risk of injury. Finally, regular chiropractic check-ups will keep it in top condition.

What Makes Women’s Spine, Hip Bone and Jaw Bone Differ

Women’s spine, hipbone, and jawbone differ slightly from men’s in terms of size, shape, and weight. Their longer spines allow greater flexibility and range of motion; additionally, women have wider hip bones than men allowing easier childbirth, while their jawbones tend to be shorter and more delicate, making them more susceptible to injury than their male counterparts. Therefore it is crucial that special care be taken in protecting these areas throughout adulthood in order to preserve your skeletal structure as you age.

Photo by Romina Farías on Unsplash

The jawbone, hip bone, and spine are essential elements of our skeletal structure, and their development must occur correctly to maintain good posture, movement, and overall well-being. Eating a diet rich in calcium and other important minerals, as well as participating in regular physical activity and avoiding activities that put excessive strain on them, are all effective ways of keeping them strong and healthy. Furthermore, regular health check-ups with a doctor or chiropractor can detect any issues early on, so measures can be taken immediately to strengthen them if any arise. Taking proper care of these bones will ensure long-term well-being! Taking good care of these bones is an integral component of lifetime well-being!


Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram.

Top 5 Things that Will Delay Surgery Recovery

Top 5 Things that Will Delay Surgery Recovery

There are a few things that will delay surgery recovery, so you only end up taking more time to heal. And unfortunately, they are very common things that you need to avoid, as listed here.

Taking a Look at Your Incisions

It is very tempting to keep taking a look at your wounds and incisions to see how they are healing. For example, you may want to touch your sensitive areas of operation to manage pain after a facelift surgery and to check how healing is progressing. But your wounds should stay covered unless you are changing a dressing, cleansing it, or having it checked by a medical professional. So, keep your hands off and let your body do its things to heal itself properly.


Trying to Get Back to a Normal Routine Quickly

Depending on the surgery, you might have to take a lot of time off work. And this means sitting around your home and doing nothing. For some people, this is hard to do, and you may just want to get back to normal as quickly as possible. But you need to take it easy and follow the advice of your doctor. If they say rest is a part of recovery, they mean it. Additionally, certain movements can tear your sutures if you have any, and wounds are likely to take longer to heal.

A Poor Diet Will Delay Surgery Recovery

A good diet is essential when trying to recover following any surgery. No matter the type of surgery you have, you need to stay away from sugar, fats, and alcohol. These won’t do you any good. So try to stick to a very healthy diet to promote healing. For instance, eat a lot of protein, such as chicken and turkey, to help wounds heal quicker But also consume calcium to heal bones and help with blood clots. And drinking plenty of water promotes skin cell regeneration.

Not Taking Medication as Prescribed

There are many common side effects of surgery, such as constipation, loss of appetite, and of course, pain. So you might be prescribed specific medications to help get you through some of these. However, up to 30% of prescriptions go unfilled, while almost 50% of people don’t take medication as prescribed. This is not only foolish since you have been given these meds for a reason. But it is also dangerous. And, at the very least, it will cause your recovery to take longer.

Infection from Poor Hygiene

Making sure you are hygienic is essential for recovering properly. And this includes making sure you don’t get an infection, which is a very real possibility after surgery. And infection can be deadly if not treated right. To avoid infection after surgery, don’t expose your wounds, don’t remove scabs, and don’t clean them with alcohol unless you have been instructed to do so. If you have an infection, then get to your local emergency room as soon as you can for treatment.



Just doing normal things can delay surgery recovery. Some of these most commonly include peeking at the wounds, not eating a healthy diet, and getting an infection from poor hygiene.

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram.

How To Help Kids Deal With Loss

How To Help Kids Deal With Loss

Pixabay – CC0 Licence

It’s not a subject anyone ever really wants to dwell on, but all of us in life will, at some stage, lose a loved one. Whether a parent or a grandparent, a friend or spouse, or someone we lose tragically young, there is never a good time to see someone who means so much to us slip away. Even as we get older and the experience becomes more familiar, it never loses the capacity to hurt us because we know we won’t hear that voice, see that face, and have that conversation with them again. 

It’s particularly hard for children to process loss because it’s generally a new experience for them, and the facts about death are still somewhat of a gray area for them. The grieving process is something they aren’t used to, and it is important for the adults around them to be ready to make sure they are OK. Coping with loss is never easy, but as adults, we at least have the ability to make sense of it – and so we need to make sure that we’re there as a buffer against that grief.


Answer questions in a way that makes sense

How you think about death can vary depending on a number of factors, including faith and ideology. So it’s not really for anyone else to tell you how to answer questions about what happens after death. That being said, you do need to make sure that your answers help your child understand the situation. They won’t see their loved one again in this life, and it will hurt for a time, and sometimes we need to feel the pain to honor how much we loved them. They can still talk to their loved one whenever they want, though it won’t be like before – but most importantly, as their friend or relative moved on, they did so knowing they were loved.

Commemorate the deceased in a meaningful way

It is sometimes said that someone is never truly dead while their name is still spoken, and that’s a very positive way to see things. While someone’s influence is felt in this world, they’re still doing some good even after they have passed away. Commemorating them is a way to keep their memory, and therefore a part of them, alive. Picking fabrics from a quilt shop and making a commemorative quilt, compiling a photo album, or even curating a playlist of their favorite songs can keep their flame burning. So, too, can doing charitable works for a cause that is close to their heart.


Remember that grief isn’t here today, gone tomorrow

Whatever age we are, we grieve those we have lost. After a while, the clouds begin to part, and we start to feel OK again. At that point, we may think we are over it, and for a child, this is a significant moment – because in the grip of grief, it is easy to feel like we’ll never be happy again. It’s important for you as an adult to remember that we can get pangs of delayed grief; you’ll be doing something completely unconnected, and it hits you again like a bolt from the blue. When this happens to a kid, they can be taken aback by the grief returning. Let them know this is normal. Love isn’t something that just stops, and nor is grief – but in time, the pain will subside, and you’ll be left with the happy memories.

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram.

3 Reasons Why Your Home Should Have a Safe

3 Reasons Why Your Home Should Have a Safe

When you think of the word “safes,” do you usually think about rich families with a safe behind a painting? Maybe you think about those movies involving the mafia and their fat stacks of cash being tucked away in a safe. As you can see, there’s this rich affinity that safes have. While most people connect the dots that safes are meant to hold large amounts of money that are not tucked into the bank, this isn’t really what saves are about. 

Sure, you can put your fine jewelry in it, documents, or whatever, but it’s not something that’s only meant for the rich. Safes are essentially meant for everyone, all families, all income brackets, and you can put whatever you hold valuable. But is this a good enough reason to get one? Here are some other reasons why your family may want to get a safe. 

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Can Potentially Help Fight Back Against Burgularly

It’s at least going to help prevent burglars from getting the items in your safe, which will most likely be the items you want to keep safe the most. A home safe is able to do that for you. One way to prevent burglary is by placing a safe where thieves can’t see it and break into it. For example, if you put your safe in a closet or under your bed, it’s much harder for thieves to access it since they can’t see it. 

Another smart and secure way to hide your safe is by using diversion safes that look like regular objects. These items are often shaped and designed to fit in with your home’s decor. These safes are a great deterrent to would-be burglars and thieves, and they can be found in many locations. They can be mounted on a wall, behind a painting that swings out on hinges, or even under a bed, for example. Generally speaking, these tend not to get stolen, but putting them in safe spots will help lower the risk too.


Your Valuables Will Be Safe from Natural Disasters

Well, to a degree, a safe can keep your home safe from natural disasters, but it’s not the end-all-be-all solution for keeping items safe. When a hurricane, flood, tornado, or wildfire strikes, storing your valuables in a safe will help to protect them from damage and theft. Waterproof and fire-resistant safes can protect your important documents, records, photos, jewelry, and heirlooms from the unrelenting power of these disasters. Just keep in mind that not all safes can protect your belongings from natural disasters, but there are some on the market that can.

Protects Your Valuables from Fire

This ties into the natural disaster above; to a degree, your safe may be able to keep special records, jewelry, and other valuables safe from a fire. A high-quality fireproof safe can keep your valuables safe from fire for much longer than a less expensive model. This is because it has a higher-rated fire protection rating and a powerful fire seal. But you need to keep in mind that these don’t allow any moisture inside either, so there’s always a chance for mold to build up. In general, this could help, but not every safe is the same. 


Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram.