All posts by Tia

Top Tips For Quitting Smoking Before The End Of The Year.

Top Tips For Quitting Smoking Before The End Of The Year.

One of the best ways to improve your health is to quit smoking. After all, while it may not feel like it, you’ll begin to reap the benefits of this endeavor almost immediately after smoking your last cigarette. For example, according to NHS Better Health, “After 8 hours, the harmful carbon monoxide level in your blood will have reduced by half.”

Of course, that does not mean that quitting is easy. Cigarettes are addictive, and moving on from any kind of addiction can be tricky – but it’s always worthwhile.

Photo by Reza Mehrad on Unsplash

With that in mind, here are some top tips that you can use to quit smoking before the end of the year.


Remind yourself why you are quitting.

Nobody can force you to quit smoking. You have to come to this decision on your own for it to stick. Otherwise, you’ll give into your every whim and find yourself reaching for another cigarette moments after deciding how to quit. 

However, you can combat these cravings by reminding yourself of why you’ve decided to quit. For example, you could choose to quit because: 

  • You are noticing that your habits are taking a toll on your health
  • You want to set a good example for others in your family
  • You’re spending too much money on cigarettes 

Find an alternative way to deal with cravings. 

Finding alternative ways to deal with cravings can also make quitting easier, as you satisfy some of your body’s (or mind’s) urges without having a cigarette. For example, many people looking to transition away from smoking use vapes, which you can buy from a reputable online shop like Vape Locker. Vape is favored by many because it successfully tends to curb the desire to smoke cigarettes that are filled with tar and potent odors. 

Get support from friends & family.

Many people choose not to tell people in their inner circle that they’ve decided to quit – likely because they’ll be embarrassed if they don’t follow through. However, talking to others about quitting is beneficial in more ways than one. Firstly, it holds you accountable, as other people are now involved in your journey to a smoke-free life. However, it also means you have a support network to rely on when you are struggling. For example, instead of smoking when you feel stressed, you can then call a friend and talk it out instead! 


Use smoking aids.

Many people try to quit smoking (or tobacco and nicotine) cold turkey; however, this is often one of the biggest reasons why people will fail when trying to quit smoking. As such, you could remedy this by using smoking aids to make the transition easier.

For example, “nicotine patches can provide a steady level of nicotine in the body to help lessen withdrawal” symptoms,” meaning you’re more likely to stay on track. As the patches (and other smoking aids like gum) contain lower nicotine levels than a cigarette, your dependency will decrease steadily. If you aren’t sure which smoking aid is best for you, talking to a healthcare professional or physician can help make this decision a little easier.

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram.

What Should I Do If I’ve Been Falsely Accused Of A Crime?

What Should I Do If I’ve Been Falsely Accused Of A Crime?

Pexels – CC0 License

It may seem as though those accused of crimes are at least a little guilty, if not of the act itself then the possibility of actually being a solid candidate for its prosecution. 

There’s no smoke without fire, some may say. While it’s true that being accused of a crime does not place you in a warm light, everyone is innocent until proven guilty, and deserves to have their right to a defense. That’s what helps separate our society from others in which mob justice is still considered an acceptable or even necessary form of justice.

We can understand this intellectually of course, but that doesn’t help the raw emotions that often come when cases like this are pursued. 

But what if you, yourself, have been falsely accused of a crime? Perhaps you’ve been labeled as being at fault in a road collision, or accused of financial impropriety, or perhaps an issue has caused you to struggle with an appropriate outcome. In this post, we’ll discuss what to do if you’ve been falsely accused of a crime and how to defend yourself in kind:


Exercise Your Right To Silence

Ultimately, law enforcement is not your friend. If they suspect you’re involved in a crime, their task is to get to the bottom of the issue. That may or may not incriminate you. Either way, you have certain rights. You can politely deal with law enforcement, give them the respect they’re due, and clearly but firmly keep quiet until you have time to speak with a local professional. Of course, you’re free to deny accusations, as police will often treat those who outright deny (and feel incredulous you’re even being asked these questions), as more trustworthy than those who seem to give half-hearted responses. Still, it’s always best to remain silent until better counsel is available. Remember, the police are within their rights to lie to you (such as telling you they have great deals of evidence against you), in hopes they’ll find a connection.

Always Request An Attorney

At the soonest possible opportunity, it’s important to exercise your right to an attorney. One can be appointed to you if you don’t have the funds to pay for a private lawyer. However, following these tips to choose a local felony attorney can be a fantastic place to start for most people. They will help you assess the exact way to answer questions without incriminating yourself, they will ensure your rights are fully respected, and that you won’t incriminate yourself, even by accident. They can also help you begin the process of:

Gathering Evidence & Build Your Case

It’s always helpful to gather appropriate evidence for your case. That might sound obvious in theory, but this might take a little while and having a legal expert piece that together for you will sustain the best possible outcome. That might involve finding witnesses, people to testify in a potential trial, or simply proving you couldn’t have been in a certain location at a certain time because of proof that has come to light. They can also help organize deals, pleas, and many other potential avenues toward a conclusion before the case ever goes to a jury of your peers. With attorney-client privilege, lawyers are bound to protect your honesty if they choose to accept your case – but if you’ve been falsely accused then this won’t be a problem.


With this advice, you’re sure to act sensibly and in the most self-preserving manner if you’ve been falsely accused of a crime.

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram.

3 Reasons Why Walking is One of the Best Forms of Exercise

3 Reasons Why Walking is One of the Best Forms of Exercise

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When it comes to helping you achieve your fitness goals, you don’t always have to go hard and heavy at it. In fact, when it comes to the industry, it’s so heavily pushed that you need to lift weights multiple times a week, Also, that you need to do HIIT workouts, and so on. Can these be great forms of workout? Yeah, they’re actually pretty great, but the thing is, there’s so much. There are a lot of forms of exercise out there, and with apps like YT, TikTok, and IG, people have been pushing out more.


Now, there’s nothing wrong with that, but there is a lot out there to choose from when it comes to exercising. But why not take a step back for a bit and go back to the basics, the extreme basic; walking? Yes, walking, while it seems overly simple, it’s honestly one of the best methods of exercising. While you can’t expect to grow your biceps from this, you can still expect a lot of changes to your body. So, here are some reasons why good old fashion walking is considered to be one of the best of the best when it comes to exercising.  

It’s Easy

You learn to walk, you start with crawling as a baby, and then you eventually learn to walk. Unless you have a disability, you can easily walk without any struggles. Walking is a low-impact activity that can be done at any age or fitness level. It can even be combined with other exercises to help you achieve your fitness goals. To get the most health benefits from walking, try to walk briskly for 30 minutes most days of the week. 

To be considered brisk, you should be able to talk but be puffing slightly. To add variety to your walk, try doing intervals or vary the time of day that you walk. To make your walks more enjoyable, try walking with a friend or joining a walking club. You can also listen to music or podcasts to keep you entertained and motivated. In addition, vary your route to see new sights and enjoy the outdoors.


Perfect for Social Time

As mentioned above, this can be perfect for doing while you listen to music or even while chatting with friends. When it comes to other forms of exercise, it’s really hard talking while running, lifting and talking, and so on. It’s a very relaxed form of exercise. Of course, it’s still going to depend on the environment of where you’re talking, like a gym or a park (elsewhere may get too loud).  And depending on your age, walking groups are technically a thing, and this could be something you could look into as well.

Can Be Considered Fun

When it comes to exercising, what’s considered fun is fairly subjective. It’s entirely up to each individual and what they may or may not find to be fun. But in general, you don’t have to exert yourself when you do this form of exercise. You don’t need to worry about choosing a foot doctor when you walk. While running and jogging put a lot of force onto the foot, walking doesn’t do that. So instead, you can just go at it slow, space out, listen to music, or even get on a treadmill and watch shows while you do it. Exercising is relaxing and can be fun, but since walking offers so many paces, you could say it’s a tad more fun than others.

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram.

Simple Ideas to Help You Achieve Your Fitness Goals

Simple Ideas to Help You Achieve Your Fitness Goals

Image Credit.

Are you new to the workout scene? Or have you been struggling to achieve your fitness goals for a while? As with pretty much everything else in life, there is an overwhelming amount of information out there designed to help you to get the body you want. Unfortunately, when there’s an overwhelming amount of information, you don’t know what to listen to.

For many people, it is a lot easier to take in information and advice if it’s broken down into basic principles. This is especially true with fitness. Working out has always been an ongoing process. There’s no secret technique to help you to get fit quickly, other than hard work. Here are some simple, basic tips to help you to improve your fitness routine and reach your goals.


Eat The Right Food

If you want to lose weight, then you need to be in a caloric deficit. Unfortunately, everybody burns a different amount of calories depending on their needs. Larger people burn more calories, as do more active people. It’s up to you to work out what would be a good calorie deficit for your body and activity level. But eating healthily isn’t just how much you eat, but what you eat. 

Food might be delicious, but it’s also fuel. Think of your body as a car. If you use low-quality fuel, the engine won’t run as smoothly as it should, you lose efficiency, and it even can cause damage over time. 

Food has an even bigger impact on your body because it includes more than just calories that give you energy. When you eat, you take in the building blocks that your body uses to repair and maintain itself. Protein, fats, and nutrients, all of which need to be included in a balanced diet. 


Regular Exercise

Your first goal should be to be physically fit and active. This doesn’t mean that you will automatically have the body you want, but you will be able to keep up with the demands of an exercise routine that will get you there. Again, it’s an ongoing process.

If you have to, then start small. Go for a short walk every day. As you keep up this progress, you will be able to walk for further distances and at higher speeds. Then you can build on your fitness routine and integrate higher-impact exercises.

Once you’re fit enough, a great way to exercise regularly and keep motivated is to get involved in a team sport. Rugby is a fantastic choice because there are roles for people of different body types. If you’re on the smaller side, then stick to the wings and sprint. If you’re heavier, then you’d make a great addition to the muscle of the team. Team sports will give you a well-rounded exercise routine, especially when paired with training and additional exercises throughout the week to build up your strength and stamina. As you get more serious, then you can consider a custom rugby kit designer online so you can play more competitively.

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram.

Top Reasons to Buy a Luxury Car

Top Reasons to Buy a Luxury Car

The cost of living crisis is – right now – affecting people of all incomes and from all backgrounds. In fact, it’s having a less than lovely effect on the moods of most people just trying to live their lives and exist. The thing is, even with a cost of living crisis and even with people finding it hard to get by, there is always room to treat yourself every now and then. 

A car is not always a luxury. It’s a necessary part of an everyday household and many of us rely on our cars to get by. We rely on them to get us to work, to school, and to wherever we need to be in the most convenient way.

Of course, cars are an expense and sometimes that expense can feel rather huge. From the car service you complete regularly to the cleaning and detailing, insurance, and more, you want it to be worth it for the car you buy. If you do often worry about services and repairs, seek support from Cars Protection Plus as you can reduce the cost of repairs and maintain your expensive car. So, with that in mind, let’s take a look at the top reasons to make sure that the next car you buy is a luxury one. 


Image source: Pexels

  • Safety. You want to be on the road, and you want to get where you need to be in one piece, right? Well, a luxury car can help you with that. In fact, a luxury car could be the exact thing your household needs. You can spend cash on a luxury car on finance if you can’t afford to buy it outright, but you can bet that the latest and greatest technology affords you the best safety features around. 
  • The prestige. You know as well as anyone else that driving around town in a luxury car is going to afford you some appreciative looks. If you can afford it, why not?
  • You can sell it. The best part about driving a luxury car is knowing that when it comes to selling up, it’ll retain most of its value. Most cars start to depreciate as people drive off the lot, but luxury cars hold their weight a little longer. You get to sell it for almost the same as what you paid, and this will help you to buy a different or upgraded luxury car. 
  • Comfort. Luxury cars are made with the latest and greatest in technology and upholstery. Comfort comes with heated seats, surround sound, and gadgets that you can only have dreamed about when driving your first-ever car. Luxury cars have been manufactured to the best possible standards, and things like remote start and parking assist can really make a big difference to your driving experience. 


Driving a luxury car may feel frivolous in a cost-of-living crisis, but luxury comes in many forms. One amazing car that lasts you years is going to be as valuable to you as an amazing pair of shoes. Don’t let anyone convince you not to buy the car you have fallen in love with. It is absolutely worth the investment.

Tia and are trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip, email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow on TwitterTikTok, or Instagram.