How to Drink Without Getting Drunk before Midnight

By, Neil W.

How to Drink Without Getting Drunk before Midnight

History shows proof that fruit juice, honey and fermented grain were responsible for alcoholic beverages for thousands of years.

Chinese consumed alcohol since around 7000 B.C., and early Egyptian civilization shows the signs of fermented drinks. Sura, beverage distilled from rice was the drink of choice in India between 3000 and 2000 B.C.  The first alcoholic beverage in Greece was mead, and there are warnings against the perils of too much drinking.

Native American civilizations made alcoholic drinks from grapes, corn or apples called “chicha”. In rainforests of Peru, the local tribes made Masato. This is a beverage made of chewed yucca spit into jars for fermentation. Even today, the locals use this practice and saying no to a glass of Masato is very rude in Amazonia.

Alcohol is a mood-altering substance and it makes people act differently because it affects the part of the brain for self-control. When you have a drink, the alcohol enters your bloodstream. Ethanol, the part of a beverage that makes you intoxicated, is made of very small molecules.

Because of this, its molecules can reach and interfere with the neurotransmitters responsible for brain activity. This can cause the loss of control, vomiting and in severe cases admittance to the hospital and even death.

There are several things you can do to avoid getting drunk, at least before midnight, and here are some of them.

One teaspoon of yeast

Jim Koch, the co-founder of the Boston Beer Company, said in an Esquire interview that he could drink all night and not get drunk. His secret lies in the active yeast. Namely, one teaspoon of dry yeast before every beer of the evening.

Scientifically, the yeast contains a dehydrogenase (ADH) enzyme which breaks down alcohol. Of course, this enzyme can’t negate the effects of alcohol but only mitigate them. Moreover, depending on the body type, gender, weight, genetics and some other factors, this method might not affect you the way you want. It’s important to note that this involves an ordinary yeast used for baking and found in every grocery store.

Eat first

One of the most usual advice you heard was to eat before you drink. Nevertheless, not every food will do the trick. Salads, for instance, most certainly won’t, but greasy and fatty meals will. Fat serves as a buffer to the alcohol and due to this, it will enter your bloodstream more slowly. 

So, if you try to eat healthily, you’ll be happy about this method since involves eating fast food and pizza. Ice cream and milkshakes may help a little since dairy also slows down the alcohol. Nuts and bacon are also an option, as are some more fatty meats. But, on the other hand, the olive oil won’t work. It may save a life if the snake bites someone, but you’ll still get drunk as usual if you take it.

Water down your drinks

This advice assumes that you like mixed drinks, like the ones with alcohol and soda or juice. This includes some cocktails, but not those made with more than one alcoholic drink. The point here is to pour more non-alcoholic beverage than the alcoholic one. You will still feel the effect but they’ll come slowly or you’ll have to drink more than usual to really get drunk.

Beer, wine, whiskey and other drinks drank alone can be watered down, too. You can put lemon juice in beer, ice cubes, club soda or sparkling water in wine and whiskey. This will influence the taste so it won’t have the same intensity. Also, it will increase the quantity of the drink and you’ll drink it longer, or will reduce the alcohol ratio.

Glass of water with every drink

Water will not prevent you from getting drunk scientifically, but practically. Namely, order a glass of the alcohol drink of your choice and a glass of water. Sip the water between every time you take a drink of your alcoholic beverage. The idea here is to make you drink less by tricking you with drinking more fluids.

Additionally, water is great for hangovers. Alcohol will dehydrate your body, and that’s the main cause of a headache in the morning. Drinking a lot of water will help you prevent this and feel better when you wake up.

Stretch the drinks

The biggest problem you’ll have is if you are a fast drinker. Stretching the drinks needs control and focus, something people who go out and want to have fun mostly leave at home. You can motivate yourself by ordering something expensive, and thus make yourself drink it slowly. In addition, you can try something exotic and savour it.

If you’re in the nightclub or at the party with kombi bar and DJ hire, you can dance and distract yourself from drinking. Another great way to prevent yourself from drinking fast is if you talk to people during parties and special events. If you need alcohol to loosen up before mingling and meeting new people, still stay as long as possible on the first drink. Remember that being drunken influences your personality and therefore you might be a bad company everyone will avoid.

In the end

Always ask yourself why you drink and are going to get drunk. Most people drink fast, imitate what others are doing or plainly need something to feel more relaxed. These are all manageable instances. Also, remember that there is never a good reason to get drunk.

This doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy a drink here and there, but drinking too much frequently points to underlying problems, which alcohol won’t solve. So choose life and drink moderately. 

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