6 Ways of Getting Your Body Ready for Summer

By Guest Blogger Diana S.

6 Ways of Getting Your Body Ready for Summer


Summer is almost here and it is time to get our bodies ready for it. Long days at the beach are slowly closing in and you want to be sure you are ready to rock your new bathing suit and enjoy the summer. If you think you’ve put on a little weight or you just want to tone up your muscles, here are some of the changes that need to be incorporated.

Stay hydrated

Water is essential throughout the whole year, but during the summer you have to pay attention to it even more. Summer can be harsh on our bodies since strong sun dries out our skin and we lose plenty of water by sweating. That’s why you need to start drinking plenty of water right now. Additionally, if you are working out for the summer, the lack of water will make your workout sessions less effective because hydration is essential for performance and fat-burning.

Cut back on processed food

Bread, pasta, bagels, crackers and cookies are all filled with bad processed carbohydrates that will do you no good. They certainly are tasty, but such foods are filled with sodium and preservatives that will hold water in your body and cause bloating. So, if you are craving some food and you are at the store, check the ingredients listed on the package. If you cannot read or pronounce the ingredients, don’t eat it. Instead, opt for small servings of fresh fruit and veggies that will actually help you get ready for summer.

Increase the intake of natural diuretics

In order to lose a few pounds and get rid of all the toxins in your body, you should rely on natural diuretics. Such foods will make it easier for your body to get rid of excess fluids. These include cucumbers, lemons, green tea, asparagus and any other foods that have a higher concentration of potassium, vitamin C, magnesium and caffeine. Plus, such foods are rich in antioxidants that will protect your skin from the negative effects of the sun.

Exercise more

If you want a bikini body, then you must not skip exercising. Get your gym wear ready and commit to an intensive full-body strength workout at least three times a week. Such a workout will burn the calories, boost your metabolism and help you develop muscles. Also, make your belly and bottom top priorities. Glutes (bottom muscles) are some of the biggest muscles in your body and they will require more energy and effort, which will result in more burnt calories. As far as your belly is concerned, it is one of the essential elements of looking good, so commit to some core exercises three times a week.

Reduce alcohol

Every type of alcohol contains plenty of bad calories that will only pile up. So, if you’re used to drinking every once in a while, try cutting back. You will reduce the calorie intake and you will feel better overall. Plus, you will manage to preserve a healthy metabolism and it will be much easier to exercise and get better results with a limited alcohol intake.

Try fake tanning

Lastly, you can try out fake tanning and be completely ready for summer. You don’t want to show up on the beach pale and almost see-through and lack of tan might get you some serious sunburns. So, try out different tanning options before you go out and enjoy the sun.

Don’t wait the last minute to start working on your summer body. Commit to exercising and watch your diet and you will be ready in no time.

 Tia, and TipsfromTia.com  is trying to keep you looking good and
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