4 Natural Make-Up Removers You Already Have In Your Kitchen. Guest Blogger, Heather R.

By Guest Blogger, Heather R.

4 Natural Make-Up Removers You Already Have In Your Kitchen.

Photo Provided by Guest Blogger, Heather R.
Photo Provided by Guest Blogger, Heather R.

Although make –up removers and wet wipes are convenient when you simply want to go to bed, they may irritate your skin and eyes. It’s impossible to completely eliminate the active cleaning agents in most products, even after rinsing. The residue builds- up in your skin and eventually leads to high concentration of surfactants, emulsifiers and solubilisers. These substances may dry out or irritate the skin, especially the sensitive one. Not to mention that some make-up removers contain alcohol. Luckily, you can clean your skin in a natural and inexpensive way without any harsh chemicals. Plus, all the ingredients are already in your kitchen!

1. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Conventional cleansers will inevitable remove the skin’s natural oils. As a result the skin will either become very dry or very oily, as it will start over-producing oils. Although many cleaning products claim to be oil-free, this can actually be harmful and lead to premature aging. Oils keep the skin looking young, vibrant and healthy. Natural oils can serve as an effective make-up cleaning solution without over –drying it. Extra virgin oil in particular is similar to the oils produced by the skin. It is also great at removing any type of make-up, from pigmented eye-shadows and lipsticks to dark mascara.

2. Milk

It’s not surprising that milk is good for the skin. It was popular ingredient in the beauty routine of royals thousands of years ago. The proteins and fat in milk not only hydrate the skin, but also allow it to retain moisture. Although drinking too much milk may cause skin conditions such as acne and eczema, when used topically it has miraculous effects. The ingredient will eliminate the make-up quickly and will soothe your skin. Create your cleaning product by mixing 1tbsp of almond oil and a bowl of whole milk. Then use a wash cloth or a cotton ball to rub it all over your face. It will leave your skin make-up free!

Photo Provided by Guest Blogger, Heather R.
Photo Provided by Guest Blogger, Heather R.

3. Yogurt

Don’t worry if you ran out of milk. Yogurt can also do the job and remove your make-up. There is an added bonus. Yogurt can moisturize the skin, relieve sunburns and fight acne. You can either rub plain yogurt on your face or include it in a DIY recipe. Combine it with 1tbsp of any natural oil (coconut, jojoba or olive oil). Rinse well with warm water to get rid of the residue. Plain curd is also double – duties as a make-up remover and an exfoliator.

4. Cucumber

Cucumber is an amazing natural make –up remover because of its soothing properties. First, you need to peel the cucumber and then grind or blend it into a paste. Dip a cotton ball into the mixture and gently rub your face. Wash off the cucumber left –overs with water. The downside is that you cannot store this cleaning paste for long because it will dry out. Keep the cucumber solution in the fridge for no more than two or three days. For more domestic cleaning tips visit: carpetcleaningtooting.org.uk

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