Over Salt, Take it Out. Tips in Action:

By Tia Cristy

Tips in Action: Over Salt, Take it Out. Tips in Action:

It does happen, sometimes there are many cooks in a kitchen and each one takes the opportunity to salt the water or the soup. And, wow that can ruin a dish quickly! So if you don’t want to eat something that tasted like it was prepared in the ocean and you don’t want to throw it out, wash a raw potato and cut it in half. Put it in the water or soup and let it sit for several minutes. It will absorb a lot of that excess salt, so you don’t have too. Remove the potato, and prepare as usual.

If you noticed it after you cooked noodles and strained the boiling water out already, run noodles under water. Then, put noodles back in pan and add warm water with the potato. It will still help absorb the salt.

Tia, and TipsfromTia.com  is trying to keep you looking good and
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By Tia Cristy