Can’t Put Sneakers in the Washer. Stupid Tip of the Day:

By Tia Cristy

The Answer is ‘YES’

Actually, you can put sneakers in the wash, I just think there are some ground rules in doing so, for example…

I wouldn’t recommend washing more than 2-3 pairs at a time.

Wash like colors together, unless you want your white sneakers to not be so white any more.

Prepare for the noise. Washing sneakers will be loud, so do it when you won’t be disturbed by the noise.

But Here’s some ‘Don’ts’

Don’t wash sneakers with clothes. To me, it seems to be equivalent to rolling around on the ground outside, everywhere you go. We don’t do that, usually anyway.

Don’t put sneaker in the wash alone, they’ll be fine, but your washer would probably appreciate the padding. So, put in a couple of old towels or a fabric drop cloth to brace the washer and dryer during cycles.

Don’t remove the shoe laces, and forget to wash the laces. I know from experience, the colors won’t match later.

And, for a deeper clean add a little vinegar to the wash with the detergent.

Don’t forget to wipe down the inside of the washer if shoes were pretty dirty. A quick swipe with a slightly soapy rag or vinegar soaked rag will do the trick.

Tia, and is trying to keep you looking good and
feeling good, from the inside out. If you’ve got a problem or a tip email me! Be sure to Like and share on Facebook or Follow-on Twitter or Instagram.